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🛡برترین کانالهای آموزشی vip امشب تقدیم شما عزیزان می‌کنم
#پربازدیدترین_کانالها و #پرطرفدارترین_ها رو پست کنم 😍
پس اگر خاص پسند هستید لیست امشب از دست نده 🔥


❗️کانال #ویژه امشب👇👇
❎️ جمله سازی انگلیسی در ۳۰ جلسه با روش نقطه چین🇬🇧

🌷🌷کلاسهای  آموزش زبان 🌷🌷
ویژه شاغلین و بازنشسته ها
همینطور آموزش کتابهای درسی انگلیسی مدارس
از صفر اموزش میدیم باشما سخت کار میشه  بطوریکه درمدت ۶ ماهه به سطح متوسط میرسید با هزینه بسیار پایین علاقمندان عدد 3 را به آیدی زیر بفرستند(فقط داخل ایران)

⛔️⛔️Common mistakes

❌ Don't say: When I will arrive, I will call you.
✅ Say: When I arrive, I will call you.

❌ Don't say: My husband has got a new work.
✔ Say: My husband has got a new job. (or just "has a new job")

❌ Don't say: She doesn’t listen me.
✔ Say: She doesn’t listen to me.

❌ Don't say: You speak English good.
✔ Say: You speak English well.

✔ Say: Bravery is a great virtue.

❌ Don't say: The police is coming.
✔ Say: The police are coming.

❌ Don't say: The house isn’t enough big.
✔ Say: The house isn’t big enough.

❌ Don't say: You should not to smoke.
✔ Say: You should not smoke.

❌ Don't say: Do you like a glass of milk?
✔ Say: Would you like a glass of milk?

❌ Don't say: I didn’t meet nobody.
✔ Say: I didn’t meet anybody.

❌ Don't say: My flight departs in 5:00 am.
✔️ Say: My flight departs at 5:00 am.

❌ Don't say: I promise I call you next week.
✔ Say: I promise I’ll call you next week.

❌ Don't say: Where is post office?
✔ Say: Where is the post office?

Wear vs Put on
❌ Don't say: Kathy always puts on black shoes.
✔ Say: Kathy always wears black shoes.

❌ Don't say: I wear my clothes in the morning.
✔ Say: I put on my clothes in the morning

❌ Don't say: We studied during four hours.
✔ Say: We studied for four hours.

❌ Don't say: How many childrens you have?
✔️ Say: How many children do you have?

❌ Don't say: My brother has 10 years.
✔️ Say: My brother is 10 (years old).

❌ Don't say: I want eat now.
✔️ Say: I want to eat now.

❌ Don't say: You are very nice, as your mother.
✔️Say: You are very nice, like your mother.

❌ Don't say: She said me that she saw you.
✔️ Say: She told me that she saw you.

❌ Don't say: My husband engineer.
✔️ Say: My husband is an engineer.

❌ Don't say: I came Australia to study English.
✔️ Say: I came to Australia to study English.

❌ Don't say: It is more hot now.
✔️ Say: It’s hotter now.

❌ Don't say: Can you give me an information?
✔️ Say: Can you give me some information?

❌ Don't say: "They cooked the dinner themself."
✔️ Say: "They cooked the dinner themselves."

❌ Don't say: Me and Johnny live here.
✔️Say: Johnny and I live here.

❌ Don't say: I closed very quietly the door.
✔️ Say: I closed the door very quietly.

❌ Don't say: You like talk to me?
✔️ Say: Would you like to talk to me?

❌ Don't say: If I will be in London, I will contact to you.
✔️ Say: If I am in London, I will contact you.

❌ Don't say: We drive usually to home.
✔️ Say: We usually drive home.


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⭕️ دوره آموزشی «هوش تجاری (Business Intelligence)»

🟢 مناسب کلیه رشته‌ها و استخدام در #ایران
🟢 مناسب برای مهاجرت شغلی یا تحصیلی به #آمریکا، #اروپا و #استرالیا
👈 آموزش #آنلاین و با موردکاوی‎های واقعی و پروژه

⭐️ مخاطبان:
⏺ دانشجویان کلیه رشته‌های تحصیلی
⏺ علاقمندان به تحلیلگری داده و کسب و کار
⏺ مدیران و کارشناسان شرکتها در تمامی لایه ها

🏛 موسسه آموزش عالی آزاد توسعه
✅ با گواهینامه مورد تایید وزارت علوم، تحقیقات و فناوری

🔔 مشاوره رایگان و مشاهده جزئیات دوره از لینک زیر👇
📎 httb.ir/neQYD
📎 httb.ir/neQYD
📎 httb.ir/neQYD

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سرگذشت، حادثه، ماجرا، مخاطره، ماجراجویی، تجارت مخاطره آمیز در معرض مخاطره گذاشتن، دستخوش حوادث کردن، با تهور مبادرت کردن، دل بدریا زدن، خود را به مخاطره انداختن

تجارت، کار و کسب، سوداگری، حرفه، دادوستد، کاسبی، بنگاه، موضوع business

درام، نمایش، تئاتر، نمایشنامه drama

واقعه، رویداد، اتفاق، پیشامد، سرگذشت event

واقعه، متلاقی، ضمنی، شایع، روی داد، حادثه، حتمی وابسته، تابع

خوشی، شوخی، (انگلیس) روش زندگی، (جانور شناسی) چکاوک و گونه های مشابه آن، قزلاخ، چکاوک شکار کردن، شوخی کردن، از روی مانع با پرش اسب جهیدن، دست انداختن

حماسه، حماسه اسکاندویناوی

حکایت، داستان، نقل، روایت، گزارش، شرح، طبقه، اشکوب، داستان گفتن، به صورت داستان در آوردن story

افسانه، داستان، قصه، حکایت، شرح، چغلی، خبرکشی، جمع، حساب


🔴 اصطلاحات ولغات حوزه سلامت

✅Stay fit and healthy
تندرست و سالم ماندن

✅Follow a healthy diet
رعایت رژیم غذایی سالم

✅Have a good night's sleep
خواب خوب داشتن

✅Boost your immune system
تقویت سیستم ایمنی بدن

✅Reduce stress levels
کاهش سطح استرس

✅Stay hydrated
هیدراته ماندن/ آب کافی به بدن رساندن

✅Take regular exercise
ورزش منظم داشتن

✅Practice good hygiene
رعایت بهداشت خوب

✅Get regular check-ups
معاینات منظم داشتن

✅Quit smoking
ترک کردن سیگار

✅Maintain a positive mindset
داشتن ذهنیت مثبت

✅Improve mental well-being
بهبود سلامت روان

✅Cope with stress
مقابله با استرس

✅Stay active
فعال ماندن

✅Practice self-care
تمرین مراقب از خویشتن

✅Eat a balanced diet
رژیم غذایی متعادل داشتن

✅Develop healthy habits
ایجاد عادات سالم

✅Improve overall fitness
بهبود تناسب اندام 

✅Manage stress effectively
مدیریت استرس به طور موثر

✅Prevent illness
پیشگیری از بیماری

✅Stay physically active
فعال ماندن از لحاظ جسمی

✅Boost energy levels
افزایش سطح انرژی

✅Improve sleep quality
بهبود کیفیت خواب

✅Practice mindfulness
تمرین حضور ذهن

emergency - an unexpected situation that is dangerous or very serious and makes one act immediately
> Is anyone here a doctor? It's an emergency! My wife is giving birth!

to state - to say something; to give information
> Please leave a message, stating your name, telephone number, and your reason for calling, and we'll return your call as soon as we can.

ambulance - a special van that is driven very quickly, with loud noise and bright lights, to help people with urgent medical problems, taking them to the hospital
> When Heather broke her leg while she was home alone, she wasn't able to drive herself to the hospital, so she called an ambulance.

car accident - a collision between two or more cars; when a car hits another car or another object, usually hurting or killing people
> Car accidents are more likely when the roads are covered in ice and snow.

pileup - a big, serious car accident where many cars hit each other
> When the truck rolled over on the freeway, it caused a pileup because all the cars behind it ran into each other.

to trace - to find something; to figure out where something is
> They traced the bad smell in the house to their son's dirty socks.

hurt - injured; in pain because something is wrong with one's body
> Claudia got hurt when she fell off her bicycle.

unconscious - not aware of what is happening around oneself and appearing to be asleep, usually because one was hit very hard on the head
> Hideya was unconscious for a few minutes after he hit his head.

to bleed - to lose blood; to have a red liquid come of out one's body because one has an injury or is hurt in some other way
> Nicky accidentally cut her finger with the scissors and it bled on the carpet.

trapped - unable to move or leave a place, usually because one or more objects are in one's way
> We were trapped in the elevator for four hours, waiting for someone to fix it.

to rescue - to save someone; to help someone get out of a difficult or dangerous situation
> The firefighters rescued two little girls from a burning building.

to explode - to make a loud noise and break into many small pieces, usually with fire
> It's dangerous to smoke in a gas station because the gas tanks might explode.

to stay on the line - to not hang up the phone; to continue to talk with someone on the phone and not leave to do something else
> Please stay on the line, and our next available representative will be with you as soon as possible.

Jaws of Life - a large, strong machine that cuts a hole in something to help people get out of a car or building after a serious accident
> After the earthquake, the city used its Jaws of Life to help people get out of the library, which had collapsed.

to do the job - to be able to do something well; to work correctly
> You have a lot of furniture to move, so we'll need at least four strong people to do the job.

paramedics - a person who is not a nurse or doctor, but whose job is to help people with medical problems, especially in an emergency
> The paramedics saved that man's life, helping him breathe until they could get him to the hospital.

to hurry - to rush; to do something quickly
> Please hurry and finish the project as quickly as you can. The client is waiting!


کاربرد حروف اضافه (in , on , at)

📘📕موارد استفاده حرف اضافه In در مورد زمان:

قبل از ماه، فصل، سال و قرن
✅in July; ✅in September

✅in 1985; ✅in 1999

✅in summer;✅ in the summer of 69

بخشی از روز
✅in the morning; ✅in the afternoon; ✅in the evening
✅in a minute; ✅in two weeks

✅In the nineteenth century

۲٫در مورد مکان:

قبل از چیزی که دارای حجم باشد:
✅In my pocket, ✅in the drawer

قبل از شهرها و کشورها
✅In England, In Tehran

قبل از محل های مسقف
✅In class,✅ In building, ✅In living room,✅In the Kitchen

📘📕 کلمات زیر همراه با این حرف اضافه به کار می روند که بهتر است به خاطر بسپارید

✅In time
به موقع

✅In fact
در حقیقت

✅In the end
سرانجام -بلاخره

✅In the newspaper
در روزنامه

✅In a few minutes
تا چند دقیقه دیگر

✅In public
در ملاءعام

✅In danger
در خطر

📘📕 موارد استفاده حرف اضافه On
۱٫در مورد زمان:

قبل از روزهای هفته
✅on Sunday; on Friday

✅On December, 4th

✅on Good Friday; ✅on Easter Sunday; ✅on my birthday

زمان خاصی از روز
✅on the morning of September

۲٫به معنی روی:
✅on the wall
✅on the desk
✅On page 10

۳٫در آدرس های تقریبا معین با نام خیابان:

✅On saba street..

📘📕 کلمات زیر همراه با این حرف اضافه به کار می روند که بهتر است به خاطر بسپارید

✅On the phone
با تلفن

✅On holidays
در تعطیلات

✅On sale

✅On time
درست سر موقع

✅On the left or right
در سمت چپ (راست) برای آدرس دادن

📘موارد استفاده حرف اضافه At

۱. قبل از دقیقه وساعت:

✅At ten o’clock

۲. قبل از اوقات روز
✅At night
در شب

✅At midnight
نصفه شب

✅At noon
در ظهر

✅At dawn
در سپیده دم

✅At midday
در اواسط روز

✅At sunrise
در طلوع آفتاب

✅At sunset
در غروب آفتاب

۳. قبل از آدرسهای دقیق هنگامی که پلاک منزل نوشته شود.

✅He lives at 18,Hafez street

📘 کلمات زیر همراه با این حرف اضافه به کار می روند که بهتر است به خاطر بسپارید👇👇👇

✅At the office
در اداره

✅At home
در خانه

✅At work

✅At the door
پشت در

✅At the window
پشت پنجره

✅At dinner
هنگام شام

✅At that time
در آن زمان

✅At the cinema
در سینما

✅At least

✅At last
در آخر

✅At first
در ابتدا

✅At any moment
در هر لحظه


(past: burned, burnt ; past participle: burned, burnt) سوزاندن، آتش زدن، سوختن، مشتعل شدن، در آتش
شهوت سوختن، اثر سوختگی burn

خراش سوزن، نقطه، زخم به قدر سرسوزن، جزء کوچک چیزی، هدف، منظور، نقطه نت موسیقی، چیز خراش دهنده (مثل نوک سوزن)، خار، تیغ، نیش، سیخونک، آلت ذکور، راست، شق، خلیدن، با چیز نوک تیز فرو کردن، خراش دادن، با سیخونک به حرکت واداشتن، تحریک کردن، آزردن

(past: stung ; past participle: stung) نیش، زخم نیش، خلش، سوزش، گزیدن، تیر کشیدن، نیش زدن sting

صدا (کردن)، طنین (انداختن)، حس خارش، سوزش کردن، حس خارش یا سوزش داشتن، صدا


⛔️⛔️Common mistakes

❌ Don't say: When I will arrive, I will call you.
✅ Say: When I arrive, I will call you.

❌ Don't say: My husband has got a new work.
✔ Say: My husband has got a new job. (or just "has a new job")

❌ Don't say: She doesn’t listen me.
✔ Say: She doesn’t listen to me.

❌ Don't say: You speak English good.
✔ Say: You speak English well.

✔ Say: Bravery is a great virtue.

❌ Don't say: The police is coming.
✔ Say: The police are coming.

❌ Don't say: The house isn’t enough big.
✔ Say: The house isn’t big enough.

❌ Don't say: You should not to smoke.
✔ Say: You should not smoke.

❌ Don't say: Do you like a glass of milk?
✔ Say: Would you like a glass of milk?

❌ Don't say: I didn’t meet nobody.
✔ Say: I didn’t meet anybody.

❌ Don't say: My flight departs in 5:00 am.
✔️ Say: My flight departs at 5:00 am.

❌ Don't say: I promise I call you next week.
✔ Say: I promise I’ll call you next week.

❌ Don't say: Where is post office?
✔ Say: Where is the post office?

Wear vs Put on
❌ Don't say: Kathy always puts on black shoes.
✔ Say: Kathy always wears black shoes.

❌ Don't say: I wear my clothes in the morning.
✔ Say: I put on my clothes in the morning

❌ Don't say: We studied during four hours.
✔ Say: We studied for four hours.

❌ Don't say: How many childrens you have?
✔️ Say: How many children do you have?

❌ Don't say: My brother has 10 years.
✔️ Say: My brother is 10 (years old).

❌ Don't say: I want eat now.
✔️ Say: I want to eat now.

❌ Don't say: You are very nice, as your mother.
✔️Say: You are very nice, like your mother.

❌ Don't say: She said me that she saw you.
✔️ Say: She told me that she saw you.

❌ Don't say: My husband engineer.
✔️ Say: My husband is an engineer.

❌ Don't say: I came Australia to study English.
✔️ Say: I came to Australia to study English.

❌ Don't say: It is more hot now.
✔️ Say: It’s hotter now.

❌ Don't say: Can you give me an information?
✔️ Say: Can you give me some information?

❌ Don't say: "They cooked the dinner themself."
✔️ Say: "They cooked the dinner themselves."

❌ Don't say: Me and Johnny live here.
✔️Say: Johnny and I live here.

❌ Don't say: I closed very quietly the door.
✔️ Say: I closed the door very quietly.

❌ Don't say: You like talk to me?
✔️ Say: Would you like to talk to me?

❌ Don't say: If I will be in London, I will contact to you.
✔️ Say: If I am in London, I will contact you.

❌ Don't say: We drive usually to home.
✔️ Say: We usually drive home.


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