Movie: Spider-man: Far from home
Level: Intermediate
Mysterio: Fury asked me to come up here and see how you were doing. He just... He felt bad about snapping at you.
Peter: Really?
Mysterio: You guys do have sarcasm on this Earth, right? How are you feeling?
Peter: I didn't think I was gonna have to save the world this summer. I know that makes me sound like such a jerk. I just... I had this plan with this girl that I really like... and now it's all ruined.
Mysterio: You're not a jerk for wanting a normal life, kid. It's a hard path. You see things. You do things. You make choices. People look up to you... and even if you win a battle, sometimes they die. I like you, Peter. You're a good kid. There's a part of me that wants me to tell you, just... turn around, run away from all this. Then there's another part of me that knows what we're about to fight, what's at stake, and I'm glad you're here.
Peter: Me too.
Mysterio: But you're worried about your friends.
Peter: Yeah. Just always feel like I'm putting them in danger.
Mysterio: Look, just get them inside and keep them in a safe place for just a few hours. They'll be all right.
Peter: It's really nice to have somebody to talk to about superhero stuff, you know?
Mysterio: Anytime.
come up ['kʌm'ʌp] -
jerk [ʤɜ:k] -
ruined ['ru:ɪnd] -
path [pæθ] -
turn around ['tɜ:nə'raund] -
run away ['rʌnə'weɪ] -
بالا آمدن ['kʌm'p] -
تند تند [ʤɜ:k] -
خراب شده ['ru:ɪnd] -
مسیر [pæθ] - путь،
دور بزن ['tɜ:nə'raund] -
فرار ['rʌnə'weɪ] -
💬 Phrases
feel bad about smth -
snap at smb -
save the world -
look up at smb -
win a battle -
at stake -
put in danger -
safe place -
be worried about smth -
Anytime! - Не
احساس بدی نسبت به اسمت دارم -
ضربه محکم و ناگهانی در smb -
نجات دنیا -
به smb نگاه کن -
پیروز شدن در یک نبرد -
در خطر -
در خطر قرار دادن -
محل امن -
نگران smth باشید -
هر زمان! - نه
#B1 #movie
👈🔹یادگیری مکالمه در ۸۳ هفته با تلفظ آمریکایی، فایل صوتی، فایل متنی، و فیلم و تمرین
Movie: Spider-man: Far from home
Level: Intermediate
Mysterio: Fury asked me to come up here and see how you were doing. He just... He felt bad about snapping at you.
Peter: Really?
Mysterio: You guys do have sarcasm on this Earth, right? How are you feeling?
Peter: I didn't think I was gonna have to save the world this summer. I know that makes me sound like such a jerk. I just... I had this plan with this girl that I really like... and now it's all ruined.
Mysterio: You're not a jerk for wanting a normal life, kid. It's a hard path. You see things. You do things. You make choices. People look up to you... and even if you win a battle, sometimes they die. I like you, Peter. You're a good kid. There's a part of me that wants me to tell you, just... turn around, run away from all this. Then there's another part of me that knows what we're about to fight, what's at stake, and I'm glad you're here.
Peter: Me too.
Mysterio: But you're worried about your friends.
Peter: Yeah. Just always feel like I'm putting them in danger.
Mysterio: Look, just get them inside and keep them in a safe place for just a few hours. They'll be all right.
Peter: It's really nice to have somebody to talk to about superhero stuff, you know?
Mysterio: Anytime.
come up ['kʌm'ʌp] -
jerk [ʤɜ:k] -
ruined ['ru:ɪnd] -
path [pæθ] -
turn around ['tɜ:nə'raund] -
run away ['rʌnə'weɪ] -
بالا آمدن ['kʌm'p] -
تند تند [ʤɜ:k] -
خراب شده ['ru:ɪnd] -
مسیر [pæθ] - путь،
دور بزن ['tɜ:nə'raund] -
فرار ['rʌnə'weɪ] -
💬 Phrases
feel bad about smth -
snap at smb -
save the world -
look up at smb -
win a battle -
at stake -
put in danger -
safe place -
be worried about smth -
Anytime! - Не
احساس بدی نسبت به اسمت دارم -
ضربه محکم و ناگهانی در smb -
نجات دنیا -
به smb نگاه کن -
پیروز شدن در یک نبرد -
در خطر -
در خطر قرار دادن -
محل امن -
نگران smth باشید -
هر زمان! - نه
#B1 #movie
👈🔹یادگیری مکالمه در ۸۳ هفته با تلفظ آمریکایی، فایل صوتی، فایل متنی، و فیلم و تمرین