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ههَا ععِمريہَ ههملتو قِنواتكم بلمتِحانات واكِيد نزلت ههَواي مِو ؟
تععِو جبتِلكم تَثبيتہَ اضِافات 400+ تقةهَ يجَنن تعہَ صعدو قنواتكمہَ ☂️🤍🤍.
. ⤹ @rz4il || @rz4il ".

Video oldindan ko‘rish uchun mavjud emas
Telegram'da ko‘rish

أتيتُك مكسوُراً
فكسَرت المتبقيِ مني.

Video oldindan ko‘rish uchun mavjud emas
Telegram'da ko‘rish

no feeling lasts.

We are the women
Tonight we announce
Our bodies that the Lord created belong to us alone.
We will choose who we love, and whom we trust
We will walk this earth with dignity and respect
We will always be proud of our great intelligence.
We will honor our feelings to raise our souls
No man has been on the line
We will fire him immediately.
Our souls are not broken, our imaginations are free 👄.

لنتبادل القبلات 👄.

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