Imam Reza (as) _ EN

Kanal geosi va tili: Eron, Forscha

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Eron, Forscha
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💠 Wisdom from Nahjul balagha

Beware! Surely this world is a place from which protection cannot be sought except while one is in it. The action which is performed only for this world cannot secure salvation. People are tested in it through calamities.

أَلاَ وإنَّ الدُّنْيَا دَارٌ لاَ يُسْلَمُ مِنْهَا إِلاَّ فِيهَا، وَلاَ يُنْجَى بِشَيْءٍ كَانَ لَهَا، ابْتُلِيَ النَّاسُ بِهَا فِتْنَةً.

📚 Nahjul balagha, Sermon 63
📸 Mohammad Rahmati

🆔 @ImamRezaEN
📲 +989338604490

💠 Karbala, the kingdom of two brothers so true
One is the son of Muhammad, the other of Fatema too
Imam Hussain and Hazrat Abbas, side by side
Their love and courage, forever our guide
Imam Hussain's birthday on the 3rd, so bright
Hazrat Abbas on the 4th, both shining their light!

✍🏻 Susan Zehra
📸 Mohammad Rahmati

🆔 @ImamRezaEN
📲 +989338604490

💠 Bread_01

Imam al-Reza (as):

"Superiority of barley bread to wheat bread is like our superiority to people. There is no Prophet who has not prayed for the eater of barley [bread] and asked blessings for him. It will not enter the stomach except that it removes every pain there is. Barley [bread] is the diet of the prophets and the food of the pious. Allah has not wanted to make other than barley the diet of the prophets."

📚 Al-Kāfī, vol. 6, p. 304, h. 1
📸‌ Haidar Abbas

🆔 @ImamRezaEN
📲 +989338604490

Video oldindan ko‘rish uchun mavjud emas
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💠 Congratulations on the birth anniversary of the Moon of Um ul Baneen who is still brightening our lives with his light of Love!

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🆔 @ImamRezaEN
📲 +989338604490

💠 In celebration of the blessed birth of the Master of Martyrs (as), the shrine of Imam Reza (as) is beautifully adorned with exquisite flower arrangements.

📸 Mohsen Meshkat

🆔 @ImamRezaEN
📲 +989338604490

Video oldindan ko‘rish uchun mavjud emas
Telegram'da ko‘rish
💠 My most beautiful chant is Hussain!

🎥 Mohsen Meshkat
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🆔 @ImamRezaEN
📲 +989338604490

💠 Sunday Family Hadith

Imam Al Baqir (as) said,

There are three things which God, the Mighty and the Glorious has not permitted anyone to forsake: returning a trust to its owner, irrespective of whether he is a good person or an evil one; fulfilling one’s promises and covenants, irrespective of whether it has been made to a good person or an evil one; being good and kind towards one’s parents, irrespective of whether they are good or evil.

ثَلَاثٌ لَمْ يَجْعَلِ اللَّهُ عَزَّ وَ جَلَّ لِأَحَدٍ فِيهِنَّ رُخْصَةً أَدَاءُ الْأَمَانَةِ إِلَى الْبَرِّ وَ الْفَاجِرِ وَ الْوَفَاءُ بِالْعَهْدِ لِلْبَرِّ وَ الْفَاجِرِ وَ بِرُّ الْوَالِدَيْنِ‏ بَرَّيْنِ‏ كَانَا أَوْ فَاجِرَيْنِ

📚Al-Kafi, vol. 2, p. 162
📸Mohammad Rahmati

🆔 @ImamRezaEN
📲 +989338604490

💠 Imam Sadiq (as)‏

A Muslim is he from whose hand and tongue people feel safe, while a believer (mu’min) is he whom people trust with their belongings and their lives.

الْمُسْلِمُ مَنْ سَلِمَ النَّاسُ مِنْ يَدِهِ وَ لِسَانِهِ وَ الْمُؤْمِنُ مَنِ ائْتَمَنَهُ النَّاسُ عَلَى أَمْوَالِهِمْ وَ أَنْفُسِهِمْ

📚 Bihar al-Anwar, vol. 64, pg. 60
📸 Masoume Shokrai

🆔 @ImamRezaEN
📲 +989338604490

💠 Programs of the holy shrine of Imam Reza (as) for non-Iranian pilgrims in the current week.

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🆔 @ImamRezaEN
📲 +989338604490

💠Green banners are hung in the shrine's courtyards to celebrate the three radiant moons born in Sha'ban, Imam Hussain, Imam Sajjad, and Hazrat Abbas, peace be upon them.

📸 Mohsen Meshkat

🆔 @ImamRezaEN
📲 +989338604490

Video oldindan ko‘rish uchun mavjud emas
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💠 From the cradle to the grave, my heart recites, O Hussain!

📹 Mohammad Hatami
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🆔 @ImamRezaEN
📲 +989338604490

Video oldindan ko‘rish uchun mavjud emas
Telegram'da ko‘rish
💠 The end of the most important Quranic event in the Islamic world

The closing ceremony of the 41st International Quran Competition was held at the Razavi Holy Shrine with the participation of prominent Quranic reciters, in which winners of various categories were announced.

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🆔 @ImamRezaEN
📲 +989338604490

💠 Quran Light

Peace be on ’Ilyasin (Elyas)
سَلامٌ عَلی‌ إِلْ‌ياسِينَ

📖 Surah As-Saafaat ,Verse 130

⚜️ The application of the term ’Ilyasin instead of Elyas is either for the sake that ’Ilyasin was a word inside the term Elyas and both of them have the same meaning; or it refers to Elyas and his followers which has been used in this total form.

📸 Jalal Behnam

🆔 @ImamRezaEN
📲 +989338604490

💠 The closing ceremony of the 41st International Quran Competition at the Holy Shrine of Imam Reza (as)

📸 Ali Akbar Shishechi

🆔 @ImamRezaEN
📲 +989338604490

Video oldindan ko‘rish uchun mavjud emas
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💠 Duty no. 29

♨️ Striving to Assist That Noble Figure

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📚 Mikyalul Makarim, Item 32

🆔 @ImamRezaEN
📲 +989338604490

💠 Just a Few Steps to the Spring
Part two: The SHA'BAN Formula for Ramadan Prep!

🎙 Sayyid RouhAllah Hussaini

📥 The higher quality
Watch online on our YouTube

🆔 @ImamRezaEN
📲 +989338604490

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