#افعال_مركبة عن (الصحة )
#Phrasal_Verb (health)
1️⃣-get over sb/sth | يتعافى
get better after an illness, or feel better
after something or somebody has made you unhappy
2️⃣-swell up | انتفاخ
when a part of your body becomes larger
and rounder than usual, often because of an illness or injury
3️⃣-pick up | التقاط المرض من شخص ما
catch an illness from somebody or something
4️⃣-be blocked up | لما يكون جزء من جسمك مسدود مثل الانف (مليء بالمخاط ..اجلكم الله)
when a part of your body, e.g.your nose, is filled with something that prevents
anything getting past
5️⃣-go down with sth | يمرض
become ill, usually with a disease
that is not very serious
6️⃣-go around | لما ينتشر المرض من شخص لشخص
when a lot of people get an illness in the same time period because the illness passes from person to person
7️⃣-put sb on sth | لما تعطي نوع معين من العلاج او الاكل
give somebody a particular type of medical treatment or food
8️⃣-come out in sth | لما يظهر شي على جلدك
when spots or a rash appear on your skin
#Phrasal_Verb (health)
1️⃣-get over sb/sth | يتعافى
get better after an illness, or feel better
after something or somebody has made you unhappy
2️⃣-swell up | انتفاخ
when a part of your body becomes larger
and rounder than usual, often because of an illness or injury
3️⃣-pick up | التقاط المرض من شخص ما
catch an illness from somebody or something
4️⃣-be blocked up | لما يكون جزء من جسمك مسدود مثل الانف (مليء بالمخاط ..اجلكم الله)
when a part of your body, e.g.your nose, is filled with something that prevents
anything getting past
5️⃣-go down with sth | يمرض
become ill, usually with a disease
that is not very serious
6️⃣-go around | لما ينتشر المرض من شخص لشخص
when a lot of people get an illness in the same time period because the illness passes from person to person
7️⃣-put sb on sth | لما تعطي نوع معين من العلاج او الاكل
give somebody a particular type of medical treatment or food
8️⃣-come out in sth | لما يظهر شي على جلدك
when spots or a rash appear on your skin