🔵have/take/adopt an attitude
✨Not everyone takes a positive attitude towards modern art.
🔵sb’s attitude changes
✨As you get older, your attitude changes.
🔵an attitude exists
✨This attitude no longer exists in the church.
🔵sb’s attitude hardens (=they feel less sympathy and they want to be stricter or firmer)
✨People’s attitudes towards drugs offenders have hardened.
🔵have/take/adopt an attitude
✨Not everyone takes a positive attitude towards modern art.
🔵sb’s attitude changes
✨As you get older, your attitude changes.
🔵an attitude exists
✨This attitude no longer exists in the church.
🔵sb’s attitude hardens (=they feel less sympathy and they want to be stricter or firmer)
✨People’s attitudes towards drugs offenders have hardened.