Shaykh al-Islām Ibn Taymiyyah on the Meaning of the “Fiṭrah”ولا يلزم من كونهم مولودين على الفطرة أن يكونوا حين الولادة معتقدين للإسلام بالفعل فإن الله أخرجنا من بطون أمهاتنا لا نعلم شيئا ولكن سلامة القلب وقبوله وإرادته للحق : الذي هو الإسلام بحيث لو ترك من غير مغير لما كان إلا مسلما . وهذه القوة العلمية العملية التي تقتضي بذاتها الإسلام ما لم يمنعها مانع : هي فطرة الله التي فطر الناس عليها
He (رحمه الله) said:
“It is not binding from [the fact] that they are born upon the fiṭrah (original disposition), that they practically believe in Islām at the moment of birth, for Allāh brought us out of the wombs of our mothers while we know nothing. However, it is the safety of the heart and its acceptance of and desire for the truth which is Islām in the sense that if it was left without anything to change it [from this disposition), it would not be except a Muslim. This [innate] strength [of the heart’s] knowledge and action which by itself necessitates Islām, so long as no obstacle prevents it, is the fiṭrah of Allāh upon which He created mankind.” Majmūʿ al-Fatāwā (4/247).
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