"الإنسان المُمتلئ لا ينتقص ولا يسخر من أحد، الفارغ داخليًا هو من يفعل، الواثق من نفسه لا يتكبّر لأنّه يعرف قيمته حتى وإن جهلها الناس، لا يتكبر إلا الناقص المهزوز لتألّمه مما ينقصه، فيُحاول تضليل الناس بهالة زائفة، العزّ واضح على وجه صاحبه دون أن يتكلم والثرثار هو أكثر من يفتقده.
""A full person does not belittle or mock anyone. The one who is empty inside is the one who does. The self-confident person does not act arrogantly because he knows his value even if people ignore it. Only the deficient and shaken person acts arrogantly because he is pained by what he lacks, so he tries to mislead people."
""A full person does not belittle or mock anyone. The one who is empty inside is the one who does. The self-confident person does not act arrogantly because he knows his value even if people ignore it. Only the deficient and shaken person acts arrogantly because he is pained by what he lacks, so he tries to mislead people."