أكثرُ قرارات الحياة نضجًا هو أن تختار أن تكون الشخص الذي تحِبُّ أن تكونه، بأفكارك وآرائك، وأن لا تسمح لروحك بأن تتقيّد بشيءٍ ليوافق رأي الآخرين وهواهم.
The most mature decision in life is to choose to be the person you want to be, with your thoughts and opinions, and not to allow your soul to be bound by something to suit the opinion and whims of others.
The most mature decision in life is to choose to be the person you want to be, with your thoughts and opinions, and not to allow your soul to be bound by something to suit the opinion and whims of others.