Source Byte

Kanal geosi va tili: Eron, Inglizcha

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Saadi Shirazi 187

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Kanal geosi va tili
Eron, Inglizcha
Postlar filtri

Telegram has deleted the channel 1N73LL1G3NC3 for some unknown reason. However, the author decided to continue sharing cool stuff and started the channel anew. Sharing

The Source Chat group has been banned, but we’re back with a new space. Join us to continue our discussions, share knowledge, and stay ahead in the security world. Let’s keep moving forward!

Group chat

we lost our previous group :(
have no idea why , telegram is so strange

Defeating malware's Anti-VM techniques (CPUID-Based Instructions)
By Sina Karvandi

[ deprecated_bytes ] dan repost
#reverse #IDA #hardware #research

Mouse Adventures

Wherein I delve into the internals of my no-name brand "Tecknet Hypertrak Gaming Mouse" in an attempt to write a cross-platform tool that can manipulate its configuration without having to use the awful Windows-only tool it's shipped with. In this first part we tear apart said tool to figure out how it communicates with the mouse.

Practical field story about "simple" hardware reverse engineering. Part 7 is noticeable as rare info about IDA's processor module creation.

#1: Introduction
#2: Extracting the Firmware
#3: Writing a Disassembler
#4: Writing a custom tool
#5: Dumping and Parsing the USB Descriptors
#6: Enabling the Bootloader
#7: Writing an IDA Processor Module
#8: Dissecting the USB Code and Unbricking the Mouse

[ deprecated_bytes ]

/mdre/ dan repost

Malware Research / RedTeam / News dan repost
New blog on using CLR customizations to improve the OPSEC of your .NET execution harness. This includes a novel AMSI bypass that identified by author in 2023. By taking control of CLR assembly loads, we can load assemblies from memory with no AMSI scan.

Proof-of-concept for the AMSI bypass and an implementation of a CLR memory manager is on GitHub. We can implement custom memory routines and track all allocations made by the CLR.

#redteam #net #clr

Anti Virtulization, Anti Debugging, AntiVM, Anti Virtual Machine, Anti Debug, Anti Sandboxie, Anti Sandbox, VM Detect package.

20 ta oxirgi post ko‘rsatilgan.