Martian reaction to a Trajicomic Earth theater called life, starring Mechanicus ,Avevus and Enki, with guest of Honor, Carl jung as the narrator.
26.11.2024 02:54
Martian reaction to a Trajicomic Earth theater called life, starring Avevus and Enki, with guest of Honor, Carl jung as the narrator.
12.06.2024 02:19
Sisyphus, it's time to roll the rock. Enlil, I resign from being Anunaki. Antoan, it's okay to forget. Mr. Friday, Refract, don't Reflect. Follow your compass, Merrikh. May I wake up as Alius.
24.05.2024 01:34
Sisyphus, it's time to roll the rock. Enlil, I resign from being Anunaki. Antoan, it's okay to forget. Mr. Friday, Refract, don't Reflect. Follow your compass, Merrikh.
28.04.2024 01:19
Sisyphus, it's time to roll the rock. Enlil, I resign from being Anunaki. Antoan, it's okay to forget. Mr. Friday, Refract, don't Reflect.
25.04.2024 01:18
Sisyphus, it's time to roll the rock. Enlil, I resign from being Anunaki. Antoan, it's okay to forget. Aikat, Refract, don't Reflect.
20.04.2024 01:19
Sisyphus, it's time to roll the rock. Enlil, I resign from being Anunaki. Antoan, it's okay to forget.
15.03.2024 01:14
Sisyphus, it's time to roll the rock. said Atlas.
28.12.2023 01:19
Hi, I am sisyphus, I roll.
11.12.2023 01:15
Stoic School of Relaxus Atlantus
12.10.2023 01:02
Stoic School of Relaxus Atlantus a.k.a SSRA
better self, better life
28.09.2023 01:03
Stoic School of Relaxus Atlantus a.k.a SSRA
Working together for peace and ideal life.
17.07.2023 01:09
Soviet Socialist Relaxist Aplatunia Stoic School of Relaxus Atlantus a.k.a SSRA
صلح و ارامش پیشی کیوتِ کوچک شیر کوچولوی کومی فن بروکلی (بروکعلی) نویسنده افسر ولفانگ اشتاین ابرقدرت ابرانسان ذهنی and the sun sets, but man still stands @relaxius_of_atlanta
21.10.2022 01:00
صلح و ارامشپیشی کیوتِ کوچکشیر کوچولوی کومی فنبروکلی (بروکعلی) نویسندهافسر ولفانگ اشتاین ابرقدرت ابرانسان ذهنی"and the sun sets, but man still stands"@relaxius_of_atlanta
18.08.2022 00:58
صلح و ارامش پیشی کیوتِ کوچک شیر کوچولوی کومی فن بروکلی (بروکعلی) نویسنده افسر ولفانگ اشتاین ابرقدرت ابرانسان ذهنی "and the sun sets, but man still stands" Relax :
17.08.2022 00:59
صلح و ارامش پیشی کیوتِ کوچک شیر کوچولوی کومی فن بروکلی (بروکعلی) نویسنده افسر ولفانگ اشتاین ابرقدرت ابرانسان ذهنی
سلام بر خواننده هدف این چنل رسیدن صد هزار پیام با چرت و پرتای ادمینش هست. دوست داشتی بمونی نداشتی هم دکمه لفت دستت رو میبوسه. شعار ما یامته- چیز ...ولش ولش صلوات بفرس. Relax :