💠 His Attribute of Hearing
Imam al-Reza (as):
"Our lord is called‚ Hearing, not in the meaning that He has an ear hole through which He hears [only] sounds, but does not see anything with it, like us who have ear holes to hear with but not to see with; rather, He Himself has informed us that no sound is covered from Him, but not in meaning that we are called hearing. So we share the name ‚Hearing, with Allah, but the meaning is different."
📚 Al-Kāfī, vol. 1, p. 121, h. 2
📸 Mohammad Hatami
🆔 @ImamRezaEN
📲 +989338604490
Imam al-Reza (as):
"Our lord is called‚ Hearing, not in the meaning that He has an ear hole through which He hears [only] sounds, but does not see anything with it, like us who have ear holes to hear with but not to see with; rather, He Himself has informed us that no sound is covered from Him, but not in meaning that we are called hearing. So we share the name ‚Hearing, with Allah, but the meaning is different."
📚 Al-Kāfī, vol. 1, p. 121, h. 2
📸 Mohammad Hatami
🆔 @ImamRezaEN
📲 +989338604490