✅Daily The Hindu Vocabulary
1. SLAM (VERB): (आलोचना करना): criticize
Synonyms: find fault with, censure
Antonyms: praise
Example Sentence:The new TV soap was slammed as being cynical and irresponsible.
2. UPHOLD (VERB): (सही ठहराना): confirm
Synonyms: endorse sustain
Antonyms: overturn
Example Sentence:The court upheld his claim for damages.
3. RESUMPTION (NOUN): (पुनःआरंभ): restart
Synonyms: restarting, reopening
Antonyms: suspension
Example Sentence:With peace came the resumption of foreign imports.
4. ARTICULATE (VERB): (व्यक्त करना): express
Synonyms: voice, give voice to
Antonyms: bottle up
Example Sentence:They were unable to articulate their emotions.
5. ABROGATE (VERB): (अभिनिषेध करना): repudiate
Synonyms: revoke, repeal
Antonyms: institute
Example Sentence:Investments banks won't abrogate any condition for profit.
6. DESPERATE (ADJECTIVE): (आशाहीन): despairing
Synonyms: hopeless, anguished
Antonyms: cheerful
Example Sentence:A desperate sadness enveloped him.
7. DISCERN (VERB): (पहचानना): perceive
Synonyms: make out, pick out
Antonyms: overlook
Example Sentence:She could faintly discern the shape of a skull.
8. SPIRAL (VERB): (वृद्धि होना): soar
Synonyms: shoot up, rocket
Antonyms: fall
Example Sentence:Inflation continued to spiral.
9 REPROACH (NOUN): (फटकार): rebuke
Synonyms: reproof, reproval
Antonyms: commendation
Example Sentence:She gave her a look of reproach.
10. MOMENTOUS (ADJECTIVE): (महत्वपूर्ण): important
Synonyms: significant, epoch-making
Antonyms: unimportant
Example Sentence:A period of momentous changes in East–West relations.
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1. SLAM (VERB): (आलोचना करना): criticize
Synonyms: find fault with, censure
Antonyms: praise
Example Sentence:The new TV soap was slammed as being cynical and irresponsible.
2. UPHOLD (VERB): (सही ठहराना): confirm
Synonyms: endorse sustain
Antonyms: overturn
Example Sentence:The court upheld his claim for damages.
3. RESUMPTION (NOUN): (पुनःआरंभ): restart
Synonyms: restarting, reopening
Antonyms: suspension
Example Sentence:With peace came the resumption of foreign imports.
4. ARTICULATE (VERB): (व्यक्त करना): express
Synonyms: voice, give voice to
Antonyms: bottle up
Example Sentence:They were unable to articulate their emotions.
5. ABROGATE (VERB): (अभिनिषेध करना): repudiate
Synonyms: revoke, repeal
Antonyms: institute
Example Sentence:Investments banks won't abrogate any condition for profit.
6. DESPERATE (ADJECTIVE): (आशाहीन): despairing
Synonyms: hopeless, anguished
Antonyms: cheerful
Example Sentence:A desperate sadness enveloped him.
7. DISCERN (VERB): (पहचानना): perceive
Synonyms: make out, pick out
Antonyms: overlook
Example Sentence:She could faintly discern the shape of a skull.
8. SPIRAL (VERB): (वृद्धि होना): soar
Synonyms: shoot up, rocket
Antonyms: fall
Example Sentence:Inflation continued to spiral.
9 REPROACH (NOUN): (फटकार): rebuke
Synonyms: reproof, reproval
Antonyms: commendation
Example Sentence:She gave her a look of reproach.
10. MOMENTOUS (ADJECTIVE): (महत्वपूर्ण): important
Synonyms: significant, epoch-making
Antonyms: unimportant
Example Sentence:A period of momentous changes in East–West relations.
Credit - Dream Big Institution
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