💥💥 كالوكيشن هاى مهم مبحث: ”1️⃣”Praising & Criticizing”
(بسيار كاربردى در رايتينگ و اسپيكينگ آيلتس):
🔆 When I told my family I wanted to be a professional musician, I faced a barrage of criticism (intense attack of negative comments) from my parents, who strongly disapproved of the idea. I'd had a feeling that they would only give their blessing (give their approval/support) to a more "traditional" career track.
I countered their criticism (argued against their criticism) by pointing out that I'd rather follow my passion and enjoy my job than get rich working a job I hated. Although they gave their grudging approval (angry and reluctant approval) to my enrollment in music school, I could tell by my father's frown of disapproval (disapproving facial expression) that he wished I'd study law or medicine instead.
✅ barrage of criticism
(حمله انتقادى )
✅ strongly disapproved
(شديدا مخالف بودن )
✅ give their blessing
(موافقت خود را اعلام کردن (از چیزی) حمایت کردن)
✅ countered their criticism
(به انتقادشان پاسخ دادن)
✅ grudging approval
(موافقت بى ميل)
✅ frown of disapproval
(اخم مخالفت)
🤖اموزش رایگان زبان از طریق بات تلگرام
(بسيار كاربردى در رايتينگ و اسپيكينگ آيلتس):
🔆 When I told my family I wanted to be a professional musician, I faced a barrage of criticism (intense attack of negative comments) from my parents, who strongly disapproved of the idea. I'd had a feeling that they would only give their blessing (give their approval/support) to a more "traditional" career track.
I countered their criticism (argued against their criticism) by pointing out that I'd rather follow my passion and enjoy my job than get rich working a job I hated. Although they gave their grudging approval (angry and reluctant approval) to my enrollment in music school, I could tell by my father's frown of disapproval (disapproving facial expression) that he wished I'd study law or medicine instead.
✅ barrage of criticism
(حمله انتقادى )
✅ strongly disapproved
(شديدا مخالف بودن )
✅ give their blessing
(موافقت خود را اعلام کردن (از چیزی) حمایت کردن)
✅ countered their criticism
(به انتقادشان پاسخ دادن)
✅ grudging approval
(موافقت بى ميل)
✅ frown of disapproval
(اخم مخالفت)
🤖اموزش رایگان زبان از طریق بات تلگرام