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Paragraph Headings
Objective: To practice aligning paragraph headings with the corresponding paragraphs.
In the IELTS Reading section, a common question type involves selecting headings and matching them to specific paragraphs in a text.
This page provides a full reading text along with practice questions.
At the bottom of the page, there’s a discussion of the answers and guidance on identifying the correct matches.
Strategies for Answering
First, skim through the paragraph headings to understand them.
Next, start with the first paragraph. Often, the topic sentence reveals the main idea and answer, so a quick scan of the rest may be sufficient.
Sometimes, though, the answer isn’t in the topic sentence, and reading the whole paragraph carefully is necessary.
If a match isn’t immediately clear, move to the next one.
If you’re uncertain between two options initially, list them both. You may later eliminate one if it better fits another paragraph.
If you’re still undecided between two options by the end, select the one that seems to fit best.
Objective: To practice aligning paragraph headings with the corresponding paragraphs.
In the IELTS Reading section, a common question type involves selecting headings and matching them to specific paragraphs in a text.
This page provides a full reading text along with practice questions.
At the bottom of the page, there’s a discussion of the answers and guidance on identifying the correct matches.
Strategies for Answering
First, skim through the paragraph headings to understand them.
Next, start with the first paragraph. Often, the topic sentence reveals the main idea and answer, so a quick scan of the rest may be sufficient.
Sometimes, though, the answer isn’t in the topic sentence, and reading the whole paragraph carefully is necessary.
If a match isn’t immediately clear, move to the next one.
If you’re uncertain between two options initially, list them both. You may later eliminate one if it better fits another paragraph.
If you’re still undecided between two options by the end, select the one that seems to fit best.