Yaqob Hamood dan repost
🎙 Summary of P wave " Pearls points:
💬 Normal P Wave is monophasic positive except in V1 biphasic and Inverted in aVR .
Best to see in Lead II
Simply normal ampultide and duration is 2.5 × 2.5 small square "in standard speed and voltage"
💬 Abnormal P wave see " Lead II and V1 "
➡️ Right atrial Enlargement:
➡️ In Leed II ➡️ P Wave ampultide more than 2.5 mm " 2.5 small squares" , normal duration " less than 120ms (3 mm) "
➡️in Lead V1➡️
Amplitude " hight" more than (1.5 mm) of initial positive deflection of P wave
➡️Left Atrial enlargement :
➡️in Lead II ➡️ duration longer than 120 ms " 3 mm" 3 small squares" maybe with notch and hight is normal" ampultide "
➡️ in lead V1 ➡️
Winding> 40 ms ( small square)" and deepening> 1mm ( Small square) of terminal negative portion of P wave in V1
What about Biatrial?
If criteria meeting for both LAE and RAE
📄 No more clarity than this explanation , I wish it's helpful
I do effort to make it in simple manner 🔗
💬 Normal P Wave is monophasic positive except in V1 biphasic and Inverted in aVR .
Best to see in Lead II
Simply normal ampultide and duration is 2.5 × 2.5 small square "in standard speed and voltage"
💬 Abnormal P wave see " Lead II and V1 "
➡️ Right atrial Enlargement:
➡️ In Leed II ➡️ P Wave ampultide more than 2.5 mm " 2.5 small squares" , normal duration " less than 120ms (3 mm) "
➡️in Lead V1➡️
Amplitude " hight" more than (1.5 mm) of initial positive deflection of P wave
➡️Left Atrial enlargement :
➡️in Lead II ➡️ duration longer than 120 ms " 3 mm" 3 small squares" maybe with notch and hight is normal" ampultide "
➡️ in lead V1 ➡️
Winding> 40 ms ( small square)" and deepening> 1mm ( Small square) of terminal negative portion of P wave in V1
What about Biatrial?
If criteria meeting for both LAE and RAE
📄 No more clarity than this explanation , I wish it's helpful
I do effort to make it in simple manner 🔗