📣 #اعلان_کاریابی
📜 معلومات عمومی بست کاری
📋 لایحه وظایف
📝 نحوه ای ثبت نام
📆 تاریخ ختم اعلان |
12 / 03 / 2025
🔗 لینک معلومات بیشتر
〰️ 〰️ 〰️ 〰️ 〰️ 〰️ 〰️ 〰️ 〰️ 〰️ 〰️
✅ گروه کاریابی-پرسش و پاسخ ما در تلگرام
👉🆔 @JobsAfg2
✅ لینک کانال
👉🆔 @Jobs_Afg1
📜 معلومات عمومی بست کاری
👤 تعداد بست | 4 بست [ اقا/خانم ]
🌏 موقعیت | #غزنی #پکتیکا
💼 عنوان بست | کارمند توانبخشی مبتنی بر جامعه / Community based rehabilitation worker CBRW
💸 معاش | مطابق پالیسی نهاد
🏡 سازمان | Norwegian Afghanistan Committee
#️⃣وکنسی نمبر | 152025
🎓 تحصیلات | فارغ 12 و یا لیسانس
🔬تجربه کاری | 2 سال
📋 لایحه وظایف
House-to-house surveys of Person with Disability within his/her target area in village-based survey.
Assess needs of Person with Disability with assistance of Physiotherapy, Special Education and Employment Support sections and prepare plan for rehabilitation intervention including selection of training material
Work as a first referral source for the implementation of CBR strategy
Assist SHG Focal Point in establishment of SHGs.
Identify and mobilize available local resources and utilize for better implementation of CBR strategy for the rehabilitation of Person with Disability
To facilitate awareness raising sessions to social trainers in the community.
To promote community’s knowledge regarding disabilities and its prevention at different stage.
Visit and to do the rehabilitation process of children and adults with disabilities in their homes (HBT, HBE children above school age with HI and VI, children in early childhood intervention and children and adults with sever intellectual disabilities.
Facilitate school inclusion of children with disability after completion of preparatory education.
Identify and introduce the Person with Disability for vocational skills training and loan schemes to NAC employment support, Government agencies and any other organization working in the same area.
Assist Person with Disability in filling of revolving loan application forms and collect loan installments from loan borrowers
Distribute publications such as Ability into all villages covered by him/her, all schools and health centers in the concerned area.
Assist DIP Information Officers in writing of disability articles and life stories of Person with Disability or address them to the information staff.
Technically assist the OPDs in identifying the Person with Disability.
Refer needy Person with Disability to other rehabilitation resources inside and outside of DIP.
To participate actively in ensuring broad understanding and acceptance by local communities of the DP projects and NAC in general.
To attend the coordination meetings with other organizations when CBR Senior Supervisor and/or CBR officer asked to do.
Supervise daily routine activities of community volunteers and family trainers
Supervise rehabilitation process implemented by family trainers and community volunteers
Supervision of Person with Disability placed in apprenticeship, group vocational training and loan ongoing cases
Follow up school integrated children to determine their needs and problems
To collect data of DP activities at district level and report to relevant officer on monthly or quarterly basis
Any other job-related task assigned by DP project manager, CBR senior supervisor.
📝 نحوه ای ثبت نام
واجدین شرایط لطف نموده "سی وی" خویش را به ایمیل آدرس زیر ارسال نمایند
📌 نوت | در هنگام ارسال ایمیل لطف نموده عنوان بست مورد نظر (به انگلیسی) و وکنسی نمبر را در subject (موضوع ایمیل) تان درج نمایید، در غیر آن درخواست شما مسترد خواهد شد.
📧 ایمیل آدرس | nac.jobs@nacaf.org
📆 تاریخ ختم اعلان |
12 / 03 / 2025
🔗 لینک معلومات بیشتر
〰️ 〰️ 〰️ 〰️ 〰️ 〰️ 〰️ 〰️ 〰️ 〰️ 〰️
✅ گروه کاریابی-پرسش و پاسخ ما در تلگرام
👉🆔 @JobsAfg2
✅ لینک کانال
👉🆔 @Jobs_Afg1