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Eron, Inglizcha
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Video oldindan ko‘rish uchun mavjud emas
Telegram'da ko‘rish
💰 On credit
An arrangement with a shop, bank etc that allows you to buy something and pay for it later.

💸 Example:
He hates buying on credit.
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Level: Elementary~Intermediate
#On #Credit 💳
🆔 @AmEnglish 💷💶💴💵

Video oldindan ko‘rish uchun mavjud emas
Telegram'da ko‘rish
🤧 Bless you:

😷 Something you say to a person who has just sneezed.

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Level: Elementary~Intermediate
#Bless #You
🆔 @AmEnglish 💥 🤧 😷

❇️ 10 Alternatives to "I don't like it"

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Level: Elementary~Intermediate
#like #Alternatives
🆔 @AmEnglish 💥

steam (verb)
♻️ to cook in hot steam from boiling water
✔️ Steaming vegetables destroys fewer nutrients than boiling them.

stir (verb)
♻️ to move a spoon or other implement around to mix something
✔️ If you don't stir the sauce enough, it'll be lumpy.

stir-fry (verb)
♻️ to fry quickly over a high heat while stirring
✔️ Lots of people stir-fry all kinds of meat and vegetables these days.

tablespoon (abbrev: "tbsp") (noun)
♻️ a large spoon used for serving, or the amount of an ingredient that fits in one
✔️ Add a tablespoon of flour to the melted butter and stir.

teaspoon (abbrev: "tsp") (noun)
♻️ a small spoon or the amount of an ingredient that fits in one
✔️ You didn't use more than half a teaspoon of chili powder, did you?

whisk (verb)
♻️ to mix something very quickly with a whisk
✔️ Break the eggs into a bowl and whisk until smooth.

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Level: Intermediate~Advanced
#Nutrition #Cooking #Cuisine #Dish
🆔 @AmEnglish 👩‍🍳🧑‍🍳👨‍🍳

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Level: Intermediate~Advanced
#Nutrition #Cooking #Cuisine #Dish
🆔 @AmEnglish 👩‍🍳🧑‍🍳👨‍🍳

recipe (noun)
♻️ a list of ingredients and instructions for cooking a particular dish
✔️ My grandmother gave me this recipe for apple pie.

roast (verb)
♻️ to cook foods like meat and vegetables in an oven
✔️ Why don't we roast some vegetables as well?

sauté (verb)
♻️ to fry quickly in hot oil or fat
✔️ To begin, sauté the onions and garlic in a saucepan.

serve (verb)
♻️ to give someone food that's been prepared or a drink
✔️ Make sure the food's still hot when you serve it.

spice (noun)
♻️ a plant part, often ground into a powder, that adds flavour to a dish
✔️ Which spices did you add to this sauce?

sprinkle (verb)
♻️ to add a few drops of liquid or a substance like salt or pepper by shaking a container or by using your fingers
✔️ Why do you sprinkle so much salt on everything?

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Level: Intermediate~Advanced
#Nutrition #Cooking #Cuisine #Dish
🆔 @AmEnglish 👩‍🍳🧑‍🍳👨‍🍳

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Level: Intermediate~Advanced
#Nutrition #Cooking #Cuisine #Dish
🆔 @AmEnglish 👩‍🍳🧑‍🍳👨‍🍳

melt (verb)
♻️ to turn a solid substance into a liquid by heating
✔️ Melt some butter in a saucepan and then add the flour.

mix (verb)
♻️ to combine two or more substances
✔️ The flour is mixed with a little oil and warm water to make a dough.

peel (verb)
♻️ to take or cut the skin off a vegetable or fruit
✔️ I get juice all over my fingers if I peel an orange.

pinch (noun)
♻️ a very small amount of something like salt or ground spice
✔️ Add a pinch of salt to the water before boiling vegetables.

preheat (verb)
♻️ to turn on and heat an oven or grill before cooking
✔️ It's important to preheat your oven before baking scones.

prepare (verb)
♻️ to make food ready for cooking or eating
✔️ It takes an hour or more to prepare this dish.

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Level: Intermediate~Advanced
#Nutrition #Cooking #Cuisine #Dish
🆔 @AmEnglish 👩‍🍳🧑‍🍳👨‍🍳

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Level: Intermediate~Advanced
#Nutrition #Cooking #Cuisine #Dish
🆔 @AmEnglish 👩‍🍳🧑‍🍳👨‍🍳

grate (verb)
♻️ to cut tiny slices from cheese, vegetables, chocolate, etc. with a grater
✔️ Grate half a cup of cheese and sprinkle it on top.

grease (verb)
♻️ to rub butter or oil onto a baking pan or dish to stop food from sticking
✔️ Should I grease the cake tin with butter or oil?

grill (also US "broil") (verb)
♻️ to cook directly over or under a very hot gas flame or electric element
✔️ Is the fish grilled under a gas grill or an electric grill?

herb (noun)
♻️ a plant used for adding flavour to food
✔️ Good cooks always know which herbs to use.

ingredient (noun)
♻️ any food, liquid, herb or spice that's used to make a particular dish
✔️ Chilli and fish sauce are basic ingredients in many Thai dishes.

mash (verb)
♻️ to crush food like cooked potato until it's a smooth mass
✔️ Could you mash the potatoes, please?

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Level: Intermediate~Advanced
#Nutrition #Cooking #Cuisine #Dish
🆔 @AmEnglish 👩‍🍳🧑‍🍳👨‍🍳

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Level: Intermediate~Advanced
#Nutrition #Cooking #Cuisine #Dish
🆔 @AmEnglish 👩‍🍳🧑‍🍳👨‍🍳

chop or chop up (verb)
♻️ to cut into small pieces with a sharp knife
✔️ It's easy to cut yourself when chopping onions, so be careful.

cook (verb)
♻️ to prepare food for eating
✔️ What are you cooking for dinner?

cookbook or cookery book (noun)
♻️ a book of recipes, often with pictures
✔️ Can I borrow that cookbook with all the Asian recipes?

dice (verb)
♻️ to cut food into small cubes or squares
✔️ Dice the carrots and potatoes and add them to the soup.

dish (noun)
♻️ food that's cooked in a certain way
✔️ My favourite Indian dish is vegetable curry.

fry (verb)
♻️ to cook food in hot oil, butter or fat
✔️ Heat some olive oil in a frying pan and then add the diced tomatoes.

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Level: Intermediate~Advanced
#Nutrition #Cooking #Cuisine #Dish
🆔 @AmEnglish 👩‍🍳🧑‍🍳👨‍🍳

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Level: Intermediate~Advanced
#Nutrition #Cooking #Cuisine #Dish
🆔 @AmEnglish 👩‍🍳🧑‍🍳👨‍🍳

add (verb)
♻️ to put something else in
✔️ Add grated cheese to the white sauce and stir

bake (verb)
♻️ to cook in an oven
✔️ I can bake cakes and pies, but I can't bake bread.

beat (verb)
♻️ to mix eggs, cream, etc. with a fork, a beater, or a whisk
✔️ To make scrambled eggs, beat the eggs before cooking them.

boil (verb)
♻️ to cook in boiling water
✔️ Will you boil the vegetables, or steam them?

burn (verb)
♻️ to spoil food by cooking it for too long or at a temperature that's too high
✔️ Please don't burn the toast.

carve (verb)
♻️ to cut slices or small pieces from a large piece of cooked meat
✔️ Who'd like to carve the roast chicken?

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Level: Intermediate~Advanced
#Nutrition #Cooking #Cuisine #Dish
🆔 @AmEnglish 👩‍🍳🧑‍🍳👨‍🍳

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Level: Intermediate~Advanced
#Nutrition #Cooking #Cuisine #Dish
🆔 @AmEnglish 👩‍🍳 🧑‍🍳 👨‍🍳

Stop and smell the roses now and then.

#Idiom #Stop #Smell #Rose
🆔 @AmEnglish     🌷🌺🌼💐🌾

🌹 Meaning:
To relax; to take time out of one's busy schedule to enjoy or appreciate the beauty of life.

🌻 Example:
Slow down. Stop and smell the roses now and then.

Level: Elementary~Intermediate
#Idiom #Stop #Smell #Rose
🆔 @AmEnglish 🌷🌺🌼💐🌾

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  •   Yes. Band 9.0
  •   Yes. Band 8.0/8.5
  •   Yes. Band 7.0/7.5
  •   Yes. Band 6.0/6.5
  •   Less than band 6.0
  •   No. Not yet.
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#Cuisine #Cooking #Dish

🆔 @AmEnglish 👩‍🍳🧑‍🍳👨‍🍳

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