Telegram channel admins pay attention. Banner ads will be posted on this channel and old ads along with their content will be completely removed from the channel. It is valid as long as the ad is on this channel and you can post it on your channel. Be sure to take a shot when you place a new ad on your channel and also take a shot before removing the ad from your channel so that the number of views of the banner in your channel is determined and sent to PV VIP. Before placing the ad in your channel, be sure to pay attention to the description and price of the ad so that you don't run into any problems later. The price of advertisements is calculated as 1k=1000 views, when you send the end shot to the vip admin, be sure to send your bank account address or wallet address with the end shot of the ad. VIP deposits are made in the following currencies: USD, EUR, Voucher, Bitcoin, Tether, Tron, Perfect
VIP channel admin
VIP Global Advertising Group
VIP channel admin
VIP Global Advertising Group