Du'a of Imam al-Kadhim (AS)
🇮🇷 @NEWWORLDORDYR • #Islamic
O my God, all sounds are submissive to You,
all intellects are too short to recognize You [as exactly as You are],
all things are fearful of You,
all things flee to You,
all things are too tiny in comparison with You,
and Your light fills all things.
Therefore, You are the Exalted in Your majesty,
You are the Luminous in Your splendor,
You are the Great in Your omnipotence,
and You are Whom nothing can tire.
O He Who sends down my bounties!
O He Who relieves my agonies!
O He Who settles my needs!
(please) Give answer to my request,
in the name of ‘There is no god save You’.
I believe in You and I am sincere to You in obedience.
I begin my day keeping my covenant and promise to You as much as I can.
I confess of Your favor to me
and I beseech You to forgive my sins that none else can forgive.
O He Who is nigh in His sublimity,
Sublime in His nearness,
Brilliant in His glow,
and Powerful in His [absolute] authority!
(please) Send blessings upon Muhammad and his Household.
🇮🇷 @NEWWORLDORDYR • #Islamic