Google Veo 2 has released image-to-video via Freepik.
You can now create images, edit them using Retouch, upscale them, and generate hyper-realistic AI videos instantly, all in one place.
Here’s how:
1. Freepik AI Suite has so many different tools in one place.
From AI image generation to editing to AI videos.
To access it, head over to: To create your starting image, select the “Create” option in the top bar.
Enter prompt > choose AI image model > Optionals: add style, effects, character o the recent Colors feature
They have all the major ones such as Flux, Mystic, and Google Imagen 3.
3. To edit your image, select the “Retouch” option in the “Edit” tab.
Brush over the place you want to edit and describe your change.
4. Once you have a good image, go to “My Creations”, select the image, and choose “Create Video”.
The image should show as “Starting Image”. And You can now choose Google Veo 2 as the AI video generator!