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Гео и язык канала: Иран, Фарси
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Гео и язык канала
Иран, Фарси
Новости и СМИ
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موسیقی واقعی ترکی را با موسیقی ایرانی مقایسه کنید
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Trousers have a long history, with evidence of their use dating back to the 6th century BC. Rock carvings and artworks from Persepolis depict individuals wearing trousers, indicating their presence in ancient Persia. During this period, various Iranian peoples, including the Scythians, Sarmatians, Sogdians, and Bactrians, as well as Armenians and certain Eastern and Central Asian groups, are known to have worn trousers. These garments were practical, especially for horse-riding nomadic cultures.

The ancient Greeks referred to the trousers worn by Eastern nations as "ἀναξυρίδες" (anaxyrides) and to the loose trousers of the Scythians as "σαράβαρα" (sarabara). Notably, the term "sarabara" is believed to have been borrowed from the Persian word "shalwār" (شلوار), indicating a linguistic connection to Persian attire.

While it's challenging to attribute the invention of trousers to a single culture, ancient Iranian peoples, including those from the region now known as Iran, played a significant role in their early use and development.

For a more in-depth exploration of the history of trousers, you might find this video informative:

Persian culture significantly influenced Roman civilization through various channels, including art, architecture, military practices, and court ceremonies. This cultural exchange was facilitated by the extensive interactions between the Roman and Persian empires, particularly during the Sasanian period.

Art and Architecture: The Romans adopted certain Persian artistic and architectural elements, such as the use of rills (small water channels) in garden design. This feature, prevalent in Persian gardens, was integrated into Roman gardening practices, enhancing the aesthetic and functional aspects of their landscapes.

Military Practices: Persian military strategies and organizational structures had a notable impact on Roman military reforms. The Romans incorporated aspects of Persian cavalry tactics and adapted their military apparatus in response to Persian warfare methods, leading to significant changes in the Roman army's composition and strategy.

Court Ceremonies and Diplomacy: The opulence and formalities of the Sasanian court influenced Roman imperial ceremonies. The Romans emulated Persian royal protocols, which subsequently affected the ceremonial traditions of medieval and modern European courts. Additionally, the origins of formal European diplomacy can be traced back to the interactions between the Persian and Roman empires, highlighting Persia's role in shaping diplomatic practices.

These examples illustrate the profound and multifaceted impact of Persian culture on Roman civilization, underscoring the dynamic exchange of ideas and practices between these two great empires.

The interactions between ancient Persian and Greek cultures led to mutual influences in various domains, including language and music.


While both Persian and Greek languages belong to the Indo-European family, direct linguistic borrowings between them are relatively limited. However, cultural exchanges did lead to some notable influences. For instance, the Persian term "yunān" (یونان) for Greece is derived from "Ionia," reflecting early interactions between Persians and Ionian Greeks.


The musical traditions of ancient Persia and Greece exhibited mutual influences, especially during periods of close contact. The Greeks adopted certain musical elements from neighboring cultures, including Persia. For example, the use of specific scales and instruments in Greek music shows similarities to those in Persian traditions.

In summary, while direct linguistic exchanges between Persian and Greek were limited, cultural interactions led to notable influences in music and other areas.

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ترکان نه نام داشتند نه کشور. اول آمدند نام سالوک را از رهبر تالش برداشتند شدند سلجوق بعد رفتند آناتولی و تا ١٩٢١ برای آنجا که گرفته بودند نام نداشتند تا یک نام ایرانی گذاشتند. یک نسکی دهه ١۵ در اصفهان نوشته شد به نام دَدٓ قرقر‌و که از کشتارهای تیره‌های ترک گفته

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کانال آرشیو

لسفه ایرانی به اندیشه‌ها و سنت‌های فلسفی ایرانی باستان برمی‌گردد که از اندیشه‌های باستانی هندوآریایی، آغاز می‌شود که بعدها همین اندیشه‌ها تحت تأثیر دین زرتشتی قرار گرفتند و مکتب زرتشت را تشکیل دادند. بر اساس دائرةالمعارف فلسفه آکسفورد تاریخ موضوع و دانش فلسفه به هندوآریایی‌های ۱۵۰۰ سال پیش از میلاد می‌رسد و زرتشت نخستین فیلسوف شناخته شده جهان است. این دائرةالمعارف، اضافه می‌کند که پس از آن، فلسفه زرتشتی از طریق یهودیت، وارد اندیشه غربی و نهایتاً افلاطونی می‌شود. از جمله فلاسفه این دوره می‌توان به هوشتانه و پالس پارسی و مانی و مزدک اشاره کرد.[۱]

سرتاسر تاریخ ایران را به دلیل تغییرات قابل توجه سیاسی اجتماعی متأثر از حملات قوم عرب در سال ۶۵۱ میلادی و مغول‌ها در سال ۱۲۲۱ میلادی پهنه فراخی از اندیشه‌های فلسفی پوشانده است. از ایران باستان و آموزه‌های زرتشتی تا مکاتب پروتستانیسم مانوی و مزدکی و زروانیه که پیش از اسلام ظهور کردند و البته متاخر تمام آن‌ها فلسفه اسلامی که با آمدن اسلام تاکنون تأثیرگذارترین اندیشه فلسفی را از آن خود کرده است.[۱]

بر اثر کنش و واکنش‌های عقیدتی صدر اسلام میان عقاید فلسفی زرتشتی و مانوی و اسلام و یهودیت و فلسفه یونانی، فلسفه اسلام یا کلام ظهور کرد و از دوره‌های تسنن و تشیعی که ایران طی کرده است فلسفه ایرانی اسلام شکل کنونی را بر خود گرفته است. مکتب اشراق و حکمت متعالیه به عنوان دو مکتب اساسی فلسفه ایرانی شناخته می‌شوند. از جمله مهم‌ترین فلاسفه این دوره می‌توان به ابن سینا، شهاب‌الدین سهروردی، فخر رازی طبرستانی و ملاصدرا شیرازی اشاره کرد.[۲]

نمای کلی
فلسفه در ایران به دلیل تحولات سیاسی و اجتماعی بزرگ، همانند پیامدهای حملهٔ اعراب و مغول‌ها به این کشور، بازهٔ گسترده‌ای از مکاتب فکری را شامل می‌شود. به‌طور کلی، فلسفه در ایران را می‌توان به دوران پیش و پس از اسلام تقسیم کرد. مکاتب پیش از اسلام، شامل آیین زرتشتی، مانوی و مزدکیه است. به عنوان نمونه‌ای از این مکاتب، مکتب مزدیسنا به دنبال آموزه‌های زرتشت در سال‌های ۱۰۰۰ تا ۵۸۸ پ. م، در نقاطی از ایران، پدیدار شد. زرتشت یکی از قدیمی‌ترین یکتاپرستان تاریخ بوده است و نخستین کسی بود که مسائل شر را از نظر فلسفی بررسی کرد. فلسفهٔ اخلاقی وی مبتنی بر تقدم پندار نیک، گفتار نیک و کردار نیک است. وی همچنین سیستمی از اصول اخلاقی منطقی را پایه گذاشت. اندکی از عقاید زرتشتی در فرهنگ پسا کلاسیک غربی تا اواخر سدهٔ ۱۸ م، شناخته شده بود و او، تأثیرگذاری بسزایی در فلسفهٔ یونان و روم داشت. در بررسی دوران پس از اسلام، مشخصاً فلسفهٔ نخستین اسلامی، در پدیداری فلسفهٔ نوین، بسیار تأثیرگذار بوده است. از اثرات مهم این فلسفه، بر تئوری‌های فرگشت بوده است. از مکاتب مهم پس از اسلام، حکمت سینوی، اشراق و متعالیه هستند. به عنوان نمونه‌ای از این مکاتب، حکمت سینوی، توسط ابن سینا، فیلسوف ایرانی، بنیان نهاده‌شد و تا سدهٔ دوازدهم میلادی، به مکتب پیشرو در فلسفهٔ اسلامی تبدیل شد. ابن سینا تلاش کرد تا ارسطوگری و فلسفه نوافلاطونی را با الهیات اسلامی آشتی دهد و نظریات وی، بر دانشجویان غربی آن دوران، اثرگذار بود و در غرب نیز نفوذ داشت.

Šie anIrâne nâdân ke dahâne yâveš bãz ast o kur ast o čâh o bim o kâstihâ râ nabinadi

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انگیزه سیه روزی ایرانیان به گفته ان لمپتن (مادرخوانده شورش ۵٧) اینست که بسیار بسیار سخنان یاوه، بی ارج و دروغ را خواستار هستند و بسیار بسیار به آنها گوش می کنند

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کانال آرشیو

ChatGPT said:
Iranian, particularly Persian, literature has significantly influenced Spanish literature, primarily during the medieval period through the cultural exchanges in al-Andalus (Muslim Spain). The transmission of Persian literary themes and forms into Spanish works occurred mainly via Arabic intermediaries.

One notable example is the translation of "Kalila and Demna," a collection of fables of Indian origin that were translated into Persian and then Arabic before reaching Spain. King Alfonso X of Castile commissioned its translation into Spanish, which subsequently impacted Spanish literature.

Additionally, the poetry of Muslim Spain likely influenced the development of certain forms of Spanish and French troubadour poetry, contributing elements to medieval Western romances and heroic tales.

The influence of Persian literature on Spanish works is also evident in the writings of mystic poets like San Juan de la Cruz, who were inspired by Persian mysticism and poetry.

In summary, while the direct influence of Iranian literature on Spanish literature was more pronounced during the medieval period, its impact has been significant, especially through translations and the incorporation of Persian themes and forms into Spanish literary traditions.

ChatGPT said:
Persian music has significantly influenced both Arabic and Turkish musical traditions throughout history. The interactions among these cultures have led to shared musical characteristics, instruments, and theoretical frameworks.

Influence on Arabic Music:

The exchange between Persian and Arabic music dates back to ancient times. Persian musicians and theorists contributed to the development of the Arabic maqam system, a modal structure used in traditional Arabic music. Instruments such as the oud, which originated from the Persian barbat, became central to Arabic music. Additionally, during the Islamic Golden Age, Persian music and musicians played pivotal roles in shaping the musical landscape of the Arab world.

Influence on Turkish Music:

Turkish music, particularly during the Ottoman Empire, was deeply influenced by Persian musical traditions. The Ottoman court adopted Persian instruments, modal systems, and compositions. The Persian modal system, known as "dastgah," contributed to the development of the Turkish "makam" system. Instruments like the ney and various forms of the lute were integrated into Turkish music from Persian prototypes.

Shared Musical Characteristics:

All three musical traditions—Persian, Arabic, and Turkish—are primarily monophonic, focusing on a single melodic line without harmonic accompaniment. They employ complex modal systems (dastgah in Persian, maqam in Arabic, and makam in Turkish) that dictate the scales, motifs, and progression of melodies. Improvisation plays a significant role in performances, allowing musicians to express emotions and connect deeply with their audiences.

In summary, Persian music has profoundly influenced both Arabic and Turkish musical traditions, leading to a rich tapestry of shared instruments, modal systems, and performance practices across these cultures.


Greek music has evolved over millennia, absorbing influences from various cultures, including Persian. In ancient times, the Greeks and Persians interacted through trade, warfare, and cultural exchange, leading to mutual influences in their musical traditions. For instance, certain instruments and musical modes were shared and adapted between these civilizations.

During the Byzantine era, Greek music further integrated elements from neighboring regions, including Persia. The Persian geographer Ibn Khurradadhbih (d. 911) noted that instruments like the lūrā (bowed lyra) were typical among the Byzantines, indicating a blend of musical traditions.

In the Ottoman period, Greek music continued to assimilate aspects of Persian music, especially in urban centers like Constantinople and Smyrna, where musicians from various backgrounds collaborated, leading to genres such as the amanédhes.

Therefore, while Greek music is not solely based on Persian music, it has been significantly influenced by Persian musical traditions throughout history, contributing to its rich and diverse character.

The influence of Iranian languages on Slavic languages, including Russian, is evident through historical interactions, particularly during the early centuries CE. Proto-Slavic speakers came into contact with Iranian-speaking tribes such as the Scythians, Sarmatians, and Alans in Eastern Europe. These interactions led to the incorporation of Iranian loanwords into Proto-Slavic.

One notable example is the Proto-Slavic word bogŭ, meaning "god," which is believed to be borrowed from the Iranian baga- with a similar meaning.
Additionally, the names of major rivers like the Dnieper and Dniester are of Iranian origin, reflecting the geographical extent of Iranian influence.

In the case of Russian, the language has absorbed Persian loanwords, especially during the Russian Empire's expansion into the Caucasus and Central Asia. This period saw the introduction of numerous Iranian terms into Russian.

Overall, while the Iranian impact on Slavic languages is not as extensive as influences from other language families, it remains a significant aspect of their historical development.

Russian literature is not fundamentally based on Iranian literature; however, there have been notable interactions and mutual influences between the two literary traditions over the centuries. Persian classical poetry, for instance, has inspired Russian poets and writers. The Russian poet Alexander Pushkin, often regarded as the father of Russian literature, was influenced by Persian poets such as Ferdowsi, Saadi, Hafez, Attar, Rumi, Nizami, and Khayyam.

Dante Alighieri, the renowned Italian poet of the late Middle Ages, is best known for his seminal work, the "Divine Comedy." While there is no direct evidence that Dante specifically admired Persian (Iranian) culture or philosophy, scholarly research suggests that his writings were influenced by Iranian thought, which encompasses contributions from Persian scholars.

In the "Divine Comedy," Dante references prominent Islamic philosophers such as Avicenna (Ibn Sīnā) and Averroes (Ibn Rushd), acknowledging their significant impact on medieval philosophy. Avicenna, a Persian polymath, made substantial contributions to various fields, including philosophy and medicine. His works, along with those of Averroes, were instrumental in shaping Western philosophical discourse during Dante's era.

Furthermore, scholars have explored potential parallels between Dante's "Divine Comedy" and Ardavirafname narratives, particularly the "Kitab al-Miraj" ("Book of the Ascension"), which details the Prophet Muhammad's night journey through the heavens. While direct influence remains a topic of debate, these studies highlight the transmission of Islamic ideas, some of which are rooted in Persian intellectual traditions, to medieval Europe.

Beyond Dante, the broader Italian appreciation for Persian culture and philosophy has evolved over centuries. Cultural exchanges between Italy and Iran have been formalized through various treaties and programs, fostering collaboration in fields such as language, arts, and education. Notably, a Treaty on cultural cooperation was established in 1958, leading to numerous initiatives aimed at strengthening bilateral cultural relations.

In contemporary times, Italian scholars and institutions have shown a keen interest in Persian literature and cultural heritage. For instance, Italian experts have collaborated on projects to expand and enhance the National Museum of Iran, reflecting a deep respect for Iran's artistic and historical treasures.

In summary, while Dante may not have explicitly expressed admiration for Persian culture, his works exhibit influences from Islamic philosophy, which includes significant Persian contributions. Over time, Italy's engagement with Iranian culture has grown, leading to mutual appreciation and collaborative efforts that continue to enrich both societies.

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