1. Apnea (توقف التنفس): A temporary cessation of breathing.
2. Tachypnea (تسرع التنفس): Increased respiratory rate, often over 20 breaths per minute.
3. Bradypnea (تباطؤ التنفس): Decreased respiratory rate, typically below 12 breaths per minute.
4. Orthopnea (تنفس في وضعية الاستلقاء): Difficulty in breathing when lying down, relieved by sitting up.
5. Dyspnea (ضيق التنفس): Difficulty or labored breathing.
6. Hemoptysis (سعال دموي): Coughing up blood or blood-stained sputum.
7. Hypoxemia (نقص الأكسجين في الدم): Lower than normal levels of oxygen in the blood.
8. Hypoxia (نقص الأكسجين): Deficiency in the amount of oxygen reaching tissues.
9. Tachycardia (تسرع القلب): Increased heart rate, generally above 100 beats per minute.
10. Bradycardia (تباطؤ القلب): Decreased heart rate, typically below 60 beats per minute.
11. Dysphagia (صعوبة البلع): Difficulty swallowing.
12. Hematemeis (قيء دموي): Vomiting blood.
13. Odynophagia (بلع مؤلم): Painful swallowing.
14. Colostomy (استئصال القولون): A surgical procedure that creates an opening from the colon to the abdominal wall.
15. Melena (براز دموي أسود): Black, tarry stools indicating bleeding in the upper gastrointestinal tract.
16. Anuria (فقدان البول): Absence of urine production.
17. Dysuria (ألم عند التبول): Painful or difficult urination.
18. Ischemia (نقص التروية): Reduced blood flow to a tissue, leading to a lack of oxygen.
19. Hematuria (وجود دم في البول): Blood in the urine.
20. Nocturia (التبول الليلي): Frequent urination during the night.
21. Oliguria (قلة البول): Producing less urine than normal, typically less than 400 mL per day.
22. Cardiomyopathy (مرض عضلة القلب): A disease of the heart muscle that affects its size, shape, and ability to pump blood.
23. Cholecystitis (التهاب المرارة): Inflammation of the gallbladder.
24. Thrombocytopenia (نقص الصفائح الدموية): A condition characterized by abnormally low levels of platelets in the blood.
25. Thrombocytosis (ارتفاع الصفائح الدموية): An increase in the number of platelets in the blood.
26. Ataxia (فقدان التنسيق الحركي): Lack of voluntary coordination of muscle movements.
27. Photophobia (رهاب الضوء): Sensitivity to light.
28. Aphasia (عدم القدرة على النطق): A disorder affecting speech and language abilities.
29. Hemiplegia (شلل نصف الجسم): Paralysis of one side of the body.
30. Paraplegia (شلل نصفي السفلي): Paralysis of the lower half of the body, including both legs.
31. Abduction (التمديد الجانبي): Movement away from the midline of the body.
32. Adduction (التقريب): Movement toward the midline of the body.
33. Tracheotomy (فتح القصبة الهوائية): A surgical procedure to create an opening in the trachea to facilitate breathing.
34. Thoracotomy (فتح الصدر): A surgical procedure that involves making an incision into the chest wall.
هذه المصطلحات ومعانيها لمن أراد
2. Tachypnea (تسرع التنفس): Increased respiratory rate, often over 20 breaths per minute.
3. Bradypnea (تباطؤ التنفس): Decreased respiratory rate, typically below 12 breaths per minute.
4. Orthopnea (تنفس في وضعية الاستلقاء): Difficulty in breathing when lying down, relieved by sitting up.
5. Dyspnea (ضيق التنفس): Difficulty or labored breathing.
6. Hemoptysis (سعال دموي): Coughing up blood or blood-stained sputum.
7. Hypoxemia (نقص الأكسجين في الدم): Lower than normal levels of oxygen in the blood.
8. Hypoxia (نقص الأكسجين): Deficiency in the amount of oxygen reaching tissues.
9. Tachycardia (تسرع القلب): Increased heart rate, generally above 100 beats per minute.
10. Bradycardia (تباطؤ القلب): Decreased heart rate, typically below 60 beats per minute.
11. Dysphagia (صعوبة البلع): Difficulty swallowing.
12. Hematemeis (قيء دموي): Vomiting blood.
13. Odynophagia (بلع مؤلم): Painful swallowing.
14. Colostomy (استئصال القولون): A surgical procedure that creates an opening from the colon to the abdominal wall.
15. Melena (براز دموي أسود): Black, tarry stools indicating bleeding in the upper gastrointestinal tract.
16. Anuria (فقدان البول): Absence of urine production.
17. Dysuria (ألم عند التبول): Painful or difficult urination.
18. Ischemia (نقص التروية): Reduced blood flow to a tissue, leading to a lack of oxygen.
19. Hematuria (وجود دم في البول): Blood in the urine.
20. Nocturia (التبول الليلي): Frequent urination during the night.
21. Oliguria (قلة البول): Producing less urine than normal, typically less than 400 mL per day.
22. Cardiomyopathy (مرض عضلة القلب): A disease of the heart muscle that affects its size, shape, and ability to pump blood.
23. Cholecystitis (التهاب المرارة): Inflammation of the gallbladder.
24. Thrombocytopenia (نقص الصفائح الدموية): A condition characterized by abnormally low levels of platelets in the blood.
25. Thrombocytosis (ارتفاع الصفائح الدموية): An increase in the number of platelets in the blood.
26. Ataxia (فقدان التنسيق الحركي): Lack of voluntary coordination of muscle movements.
27. Photophobia (رهاب الضوء): Sensitivity to light.
28. Aphasia (عدم القدرة على النطق): A disorder affecting speech and language abilities.
29. Hemiplegia (شلل نصف الجسم): Paralysis of one side of the body.
30. Paraplegia (شلل نصفي السفلي): Paralysis of the lower half of the body, including both legs.
31. Abduction (التمديد الجانبي): Movement away from the midline of the body.
32. Adduction (التقريب): Movement toward the midline of the body.
33. Tracheotomy (فتح القصبة الهوائية): A surgical procedure to create an opening in the trachea to facilitate breathing.
34. Thoracotomy (فتح الصدر): A surgical procedure that involves making an incision into the chest wall.
هذه المصطلحات ومعانيها لمن أراد