🔘 Shoot My Shot
What does shoot my shot mean?
◻️I'm going for it
Shoot my shot is a phrase that refers to when you take a chance on something. It is similar to the "go for it" phrase and can be used for when you finally ask out a crush or stand up to a bully.
"Shoot my shot" involves gathering up the confidence to do something that you are normally too scared to do, and take matters into your own hands. The phrase comes from the idea of shooting a gun with a single bullet or taking an open shot in basketball or hockey.
No time better than now to shoot my shot and get that raise.
What does shoot my shot mean?
◻️I'm going for it
Shoot my shot is a phrase that refers to when you take a chance on something. It is similar to the "go for it" phrase and can be used for when you finally ask out a crush or stand up to a bully.
"Shoot my shot" involves gathering up the confidence to do something that you are normally too scared to do, and take matters into your own hands. The phrase comes from the idea of shooting a gun with a single bullet or taking an open shot in basketball or hockey.
No time better than now to shoot my shot and get that raise.