Гео и язык канала: Иран, Фарси
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Гео и язык канала
Иран, Фарси
не указана
Фильтр публикаций

Everyone’s a liar and when you need their company, you’ll find yourself the loneliest. Wtf is the point of communication and wasting precious time, when they cant even do the simplest thing, being there for you.

I really wish i could delete this

Another years passed and you’re still not welcome anywhere with anyone and you still haven’t found anything or anyone to love and you’re still where you were 3 years ago. What a pleasant day it is today, really makes you wanna wish you were dead by now huh? Well take it or leave it. 3 years from now you’re still gonna be left out of everything, you’re still not invited anywhere and not considered in any plans, you’re still gonna be fucked up alone, and you’re still running and getting nowhere. What a fucking life man, what a fucking life fr…

So here’s a bunch of picture ive been saving in my Photos recently for no reason for nobody and you probably dont even give a rat’s ass so just go ahead and pretend it’s nohting

If i ever wanted to tattoo a manga page, this moment, this would be it

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پرایوریتی خودمی دل‌انگیز! حیف فاصله دست و پای ما ر بسته.


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Репост из: SOLECISM

Репост из: SOLECISM

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