Фильтр публикаций

If you've bought the project's token or NFT and ended up taking a loss, please send your wallet address (and any extra info, if you can) to this ID: @Y_e_A_li.

Priority will be given to those who haven’t sold their assets.

📣 Contest!

🎁 Goblin and TON for 3 random winners

👇 How to participate?

🔘 Join @TONGoblins & @TONGoblinsChat
🔘 Start @TONGoblinsBot
🔘 Submit a review on ton.app

👍 Winners will be randomly selected from reviews on ton.app

⏳ Deadline: November 22

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👾 TON Goblins Bot now on ton.app

🤖 TON Goblins Bot is a toolbox bot that has tools related to Telegram and The Open Network (TON) blockchain

🔗 https://ton.app/utilities/ton-goblins-bot?id=1329

🔄 Restart the bot with /start command

👉 @TONGoblinsBot

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Розыгрыш 1 подписки Telegram Premium сроком на 6 месяцев
Условия участия:
  • В розыгрыше участвуют все подписчики
  • Необходимо быть подписчиком 1 канала
  • Конец розыгрыша: 20.11.2023 19:30

😍 The collection has been updated

📋 Changes:

✅ Added two new attributes (Emoji & Upgrade)
✅ Display final rarities
✅ Fixed the problem of some NFTs

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🔥 Check out the upgraded goblins in the @TONGoblinsBot web app

🔄 Also send the /start command in the bot (wait for new features👀)

🔨 Phase 3 has started

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⌛️ 50/50 Upgraded!

🙏 Stay tuned for news

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🤼‍♀️ Upgrade section opened

👾 Hurry up! only half of the goblins that are emoji can be upgraded

🙈 Send the /start command and click on the (🔋 Upgrade 🔋) button

🤖 @TONGoblinsBot

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❗️ Only 6 hours left until the emoji market closes (Closed)

⏳ The countdown begins for the goblins upgrade

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⏳ Winners have less than 12 hours to mint their goblins

🔥 Now top 11 leaderboard accounts can mint their goblin

🪙 @TONGoblinsBot

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🆕 The secondary market of emojis was opened

🆙 The 100 goblins in the emoji pack will be upgradeable. Only the first 50 goblins will be upgraded

❄ The first 50 goblins who request an upgrade will be animated and two attributes of emoji and animation will be added to NFTs

👑 So you can reduce the rarity of your goblin now by emoticoning it and upgrading it in the future

⬜️ You can buy or sell emojis for 0.15 TON. Also, the upgrade fee will be 1 TON

💤 The secondary market will be closed on October 15

🔴 VERY IMPORTANT: If you won the airdrop, mint your goblin until October 13th, otherwise the goblins will be sent to the top leaderboards.

🔄 Restart the bot with /start command

🤖 @TONGoblinsBot

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👋 Say hello to the first bridged goblin

✔️TON Goblins contract address added to xp.network whitelist

👾 Now you can bridge your goblins to more than 25 blockchains

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Видео недоступно для предпросмотра
Смотреть в Telegram
🔥 Airdrop winners have been selected (Check the results from the video or the first comment)

🎉 Congratulations to the winners

🤖 If you won, start the @TONGoblinsBot bot because 1 TON will be sent to you soon for Mint Goblin

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🟢Recording started

🔥 Final points are now available in Excel (You can also see the @TONGoblinsAirdropBot leaderboard)

⏳ The countdown to the draw begins

👍 We will generate 25 random numbers and according to the Excel rows the winners will be determined

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❌ The airdrop bot turned off

🔍 We will check all points and remove fake points

🙏 Stay tuned for news

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🔄 Address Updated: EQ » UQ

🎉 The addresses of all verified users in the @TONGoblinsBot bot have been updated to the new format

🫶 Also users who have not verified please change their address to the new format in the bot before verifying. After verifying you cant change the address

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👾 TON Goblins now on tonradar.app

💎 TonRadar shows a statistic of TON dapps, channels & groups. For example, transactions, volumes and...

🔗 https://tonradar.app/dapp/65195062fa270a29ab89fde0

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👾 Goblin Cards

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Показано 20 последних публикаций.