▶️ Asset securitization begins when a lender (or any company with loans) or a firm with income-producing assets earmarks a bunch of these assets and then arranges to sell the lot to an investment bank or other financial institution. This institution often pools these assets with comparable ones from other sellers, then establishes a special-purpose vehicle (SPV)—an entity set up specifically to acquire the assets, package them, and issue them as a single security.
▶️ The issuer then sells these securities to investors, usually institutional investors (hedge funds, mutual funds, pension plans, etc.). The investors receive fixed or floating rate payments from a trustee account funded by the cash flows generated by the portfolio of assets.
▶️ Sometimes the issuer divides the original asset portfolio into slices, called tranches. Each tranche is sold separately and bears a different degree of risk, indicated by a different credit rating.
💰 @Exchange 🪙
▶️ Asset securitization begins when a lender (or any company with loans) or a firm with income-producing assets earmarks a bunch of these assets and then arranges to sell the lot to an investment bank or other financial institution. This institution often pools these assets with comparable ones from other sellers, then establishes a special-purpose vehicle (SPV)—an entity set up specifically to acquire the assets, package them, and issue them as a single security.
▶️ The issuer then sells these securities to investors, usually institutional investors (hedge funds, mutual funds, pension plans, etc.). The investors receive fixed or floating rate payments from a trustee account funded by the cash flows generated by the portfolio of assets.
▶️ Sometimes the issuer divides the original asset portfolio into slices, called tranches. Each tranche is sold separately and bears a different degree of risk, indicated by a different credit rating.
💰 @Exchange 🪙