YET (Your English Tutor)

Гео и язык канала: Иран, Английский
Категория: Лингвистика

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Иран, Английский
Фильтр публикаций

Class ready hai. Starts at sharp 6:15 pm. Join us

Hey, good morning dear students.

Let's have the second editorial of the day for discussion - War and peace.

The article analyses the difficult spot in which Ukraine has found itself after the Trump-Zelenskyy verbal spat at the White House meeting.

The article is interesting as well informative - be ready with a reading in advance.

The class at our usual schedule (6:30 pm)

Give it a try as you read the article. The quiz will be solved at the end of the evening lecture.

Q 1. What is the central theme of the passage?
a) The role of NATO in supporting Ukraine against Russian aggression.
b) The effectiveness of Ukraine’s military strategy in countering Russian advances.
c) The shifting stance of the U.S. towards Ukraine and its implications for global diplomacy.
d) The necessity for European countries to lead Ukraine’s defense efforts.

Q 2. What is the underlying assumption in the author’s argument regarding Trump’s approach to Ukraine?
a) Trump’s priority is improving relations with Russia rather than ensuring Ukraine’s security.
b) Trump is committed to providing long-term security guarantees for Ukraine.
c) Trump believes Ukraine is capable of defeating Russia without U.S. intervention.
d) Trump intends to strengthen NATO’s role in the Ukraine crisis.

Q 3. Why does the author emphasize the need for Ukraine and Europe to work with the Trump administration?
a) Because Trump’s diplomatic strategy offers Ukraine the best chance at military victory.
b) Because without U.S. support, Europe lacks the capability to sustain Ukraine’s defense.
c) Because European countries have already pledged to support Ukraine independently.
d) Because Trump has signaled that he will support Ukraine unconditionally.

Q 4. (Syn) To get out of control – Averse/Reluctant/Chagrin/Snowball
Q 5. (Antonym) Reluctant – Unwilling/Showdown/Eager
Q 6. (One-word) Chagrin?
Q 7-8. (Fillers) [Counterpart, Reluctant, Haggle, Unprecedented, Averse]
The ______ economic crisis forced even wealthy investors to ______ over minor price differences.

Q 9-11. (Spot the errors) As sooner as Mr. Trump took over the Presidency, the USA proceed with its tariff war plans, which were met with strong resistance from resolute Europe.

The class has been published. Join us for the late night session!

Hey everybody,

It's been a long 3-day break from classes. My throat (and voice) has now recovered, thankfully!

Let's resume our editorial sessions from today with the first editorial of the Hindu today - Long Roots.

The article attacks the patriarchal mindset rooted in our thinking on everyday basis and advocates for safer environment and gender sensitivity for working women in our country.

Class in the evening - article ko jarur padh lena ek baar khud se.
See you around 6pm today!

Give it a try as you read the article. The quiz will be solved at the end of the evening lecture.

Q 1. Which of the following best describes the tone of the passage?
a) Indifferent and neutral
b) Optimistic and celebratory
c) Critical yet reform-oriented
d) Pessimistic and defeatist

Q 2. The author argues that merely increasing the number of women in the workforce is insufficient because:
a) Women must prove their competence before being given leadership.
b) Work environments must be conducive to their well-being and rights.
c) Women tend to leave jobs after childbirth, making representation ineffective.
d) Gender equality is no longer a major issue in most government institutions.

Q 3. The passage implies that a country aspiring to be a developed economy must:
a) Implement strict quotas to increase the number of women in leadership positions.
b) Focus primarily on economic policies rather than gender-based reforms.
c) Prioritize industrial and technological advancements over social issues.
d) Eradicate entrenched patriarchal biases to ensure equal opportunities.

Q 4. (idiom) Talk the talk?
Q 5. (Fixed preposition) Cognisant + with/about/of/on?
Q 6. (Phrasal Verb) Step in – Weed out/Stereotype/Enshrined/Intervene
Q 7. (One-word) Someone with extreme superiority complex for one’s own identity, race, religion or gender ?

Q 8-10. (Spot the errors) Despite he was inexperienced, he ensured us of his ability to complete the task rather than seeking external help.

Good morning, dear students!

My throat isn’t in great shape today, and my voice is completely off.

It seems to be a seasonal flu, so I should recover in a day or two.

Unfortunately, I won’t be able to record today’s class.

Let’s take a one-day break from our sessions. Use this time to catch up on any missed classes from the past 15 days.

Meanwhile, I’m sharing today’s editorials for your self-reading practice.

Classes will resume as usual from Saturday. See you then!

Agar reading lena baki hai, make sure to have a swift reading of the editorial

Class starts at 6:30pm

Показано 20 последних публикаций.