Репост из: Telegram Info English
Telegram For iOS No Longer Overheats The Device
On December 19, users began to report that the Telegram iOS version 11.5.2 (29993) causes the device to overheat and drain the battery super-fast.
We are happy to inform you that version 11.5.3 (30003) has just appeared in the App Store, which supposedly solves this problem.
Update your app and write in the comments whether your iPhone will stop overheating.
On December 19, users began to report that the Telegram iOS version 11.5.2 (29993) causes the device to overheat and drain the battery super-fast.
We are happy to inform you that version 11.5.3 (30003) has just appeared in the App Store, which supposedly solves this problem.
Update your app and write in the comments whether your iPhone will stop overheating.