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Russia Will Be Happy: Alexei Navalny’s Fight for Freedom in Russia
The outcome was preordained: Alexei Navalny knew that as soon as he returned to Russia, he would be arrested. He also knew he would face brutal conditions inside a Russian prison – and all of this after a world-famous attempt by the Russian government to assassinate him in 2020. It had taken him months in Germany just to regain the ability to speak, to write, and to coordinate his movements. But there was no question in his mind: “Of course I’m going back. If I don’t, that will be the ideal outcome for them. They’d love to have me as just another political émigré.”
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The outcome was preordained: Alexei Navalny knew that as soon as he returned to Russia, he would be arrested. He also knew he would face brutal conditions inside a Russian prison – and all of this after a world-famous attempt by the Russian government to assassinate him in 2020. It had taken him months in Germany just to regain the ability to speak, to write, and to coordinate his movements. But there was no question in his mind: “Of course I’m going back. If I don’t, that will be the ideal outcome for them. They’d love to have me as just another political émigré.”
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