🫧Under the weather =
🍃 slightly ill
🍃You look a bit under the weather.
🍃slightly ill
🍃She’s been feeling a bit off-colour lately.
🫧Out of sorts =
🍃feeling a little ill or upset
🍃Louise went back to work feeling rather out of sorts.
🫧Fight off =
🍃to try hard to get rid of something, especially an illness or a feeling.
🍃 Elaine’s fighting off a cold.
🫧Come down with
🍃to get an illness
🍃 I think I’m coming down with a cold.
🫧Under the weather =
🍃 slightly ill
🍃You look a bit under the weather.
🍃slightly ill
🍃She’s been feeling a bit off-colour lately.
🫧Out of sorts =
🍃feeling a little ill or upset
🍃Louise went back to work feeling rather out of sorts.
🫧Fight off =
🍃to try hard to get rid of something, especially an illness or a feeling.
🍃 Elaine’s fighting off a cold.
🫧Come down with
🍃to get an illness
🍃 I think I’m coming down with a cold.