A piece of paper doesn’t show what you can do.Most skills are best learned on the job.
(not in a classroom)
These 5 Things Matter More Than a Degree:
1/ Show Up When Others Don't
↳ Be the one who's always there, no matter what
↳ Even on your worst days, being present puts you ahead
2/ Do the Hard Stuff First
↳ Tackle your toughest task right away
↳ Your brain is freshest in the morning, use it wisely
3/ Learn Something New Every Day
↳ Read, watch, and talk to people smarter than you
↳ Small bits of knowledge become big wisdom over time
4/ Help Others Shine
↳ Always make your teammates look good
↳ When you lift others, you rise further
5/ Own Your Mistakes and Solve Problems
↳ Take responsibility when things go wrong, then fix them
↳ Leaders love problem-solvers, not excuses
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