✔️What or which?
We use which when we are thinking about a small number of possibilities (perhaps 2, 3 or 4):
Examples :
1) We can go this way or that way.
Which way shall we go?
نستطيع الذهاب من هذا الطريق او من ذاك
2)There are four umbrellas here.
Which is yours?
هناك أربع مظلات هنا. ايهما حقك ؟
We use which when we are thinking about a small number of possibilities (perhaps 2, 3 or 4):
Examples :
1) We can go this way or that way.
Which way shall we go?
نستطيع الذهاب من هذا الطريق او من ذاك
2)There are four umbrellas here.
Which is yours?
هناك أربع مظلات هنا. ايهما حقك ؟