ʿUthmān (رضي الله عنه): "No one concealed something [in his heart] except that Allāh (عز وجل) makes it appear [outwardly] through the expressions of his face and the slips of his tongue." Al-Ādāb al-Sharīʿah (1/136).
Daniel Haqiqatjou appeared on the scene many years ago presenting as someone who refutes atheists and defends Islām. After he built up a sizeable audience, he began to reveal his inner biases, resentments, hatreds and animosities towards the people of Tawīd and Sunnah, bit by bit. He is a man full of ignorance and contradictions, but his reality can be summarised in one image.
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Daniel Haqiqatjou appeared on the scene many years ago presenting as someone who refutes atheists and defends Islām. After he built up a sizeable audience, he began to reveal his inner biases, resentments, hatreds and animosities towards the people of Tawīd and Sunnah, bit by bit. He is a man full of ignorance and contradictions, but his reality can be summarised in one image.
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