Гео и язык канала: Иран, Фарси
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❇️ Proposal writing
❇️ Thesis & Dissertation
❇️ Data Analysis & Report writing
ጥናታዊ ጽሁፍ በተመለከተ የማማከር አገልግሎትም እንሰጣለን:
Email: zionitresearch@gmail.com

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Иран, Фарси
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🎄 Merry Christmas, Everyone! 🎄

As we gather to celebrate this joyous occasion, let's remember the true spirit of Christmas—love, peace, and hope. May this festive season bring happiness to your hearts and warmth to your homes.

🌟 Wishing you all a wonderful Christmas filled with laughter, cherished moments, and the company of loved ones. Let’s spread kindness and make this world a better place.

From our family to yours, Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year! 🎉

#MerryChristmas #HappyHolidays #JoyToTheWorld #SpreadLoveAndKindness
@zionresearch @researechers_room

Dear Zion Research family and Researchers Room members,

It’s hard to believe, but it has been almost five years since we started this incredible journey together! Over the years, we’ve dedicated ourselves to providing short notes, detailed explanations, and professional assistance to students and researchers alike.

We’re proud to say that we’ve successfully supported countless researchers, contributing to both academic achievements and professional growth. Your trust and engagement have been at the heart of our mission.

As we celebrate this season of joy, we want to express our heartfelt gratitude to all of you for being part of this vibrant community.

🌟 Happy Christmas to each and every one of you! 🌟 2025 is loading

Looking ahead, we remain committed to sharing knowledge, offering guidance, and supporting your research endeavors. Together, let’s continue to grow and make meaningful contributions to the academic and professional world.

With warm wishes,
Zion Research.
@zionresearch & @researchers_room

Mindmap @zionresearch

Research Methodology


Justification vs Rationale of the study explained

1. Justification of the Study

The justification explains why the research is important. It should convince the reader that the study addresses a significant problem or gap in knowledge.

Identify a gap: Start by explaining what is currently known and highlight the gap or issue that your research will address. This could be a lack of data, unresolved questions, or unstudied populations.

Relevance: Explain why this gap needs to be filled. Consider societal, academic, or practical implications. For example, the study might solve a problem, inform policy, or enhance scientific understanding.

Contribution to the field: Highlight how your study will add new knowledge or perspectives to the topic. You could mention how it complements, challenges, or builds on existing research.

Practical impact: If applicable, discuss how the study will be beneficial outside of academia (e.g., for businesses, policymakers, or communities).

2. Rationale of the Study

The rationale explains the reasoning behind the choice of your research focus and methods. It should explain why your specific approach is the best way to address the identified gap.

Research question: Explain the main research question or hypothesis of the study and why it is important to answer it.

Theoretical foundation: Describe any theories or frameworks that support your research approach. This will demonstrate that your study is grounded in established academic work.

Methodology: Explain why you chose your specific research design (e.g., qualitative, quantitative, or mixed methods) and why it's suitable for answering your research question.

Feasibility: Discuss the practicality of your study in terms of available resources, time, and expertise. This shows that the study can be successfully completed.


Justification: @zionresearch
"The impact of social media on adolescent mental health has been widely discussed, but there is a lack of empirical research that focuses on rural populations. Addressing this gap is crucial, as rural adolescents face different social and environmental influences compared to their urban counterparts. Understanding their unique challenges will contribute to more inclusive mental health interventions."

Rationale: @zionresesrch
"This study aims to explore the relationship between social media usage and mental health among rural adolescents. A mixed-methods approach will be used to capture both statistical trends and personal experiences, as previous research has shown that combining quantitative and qualitative data provides a more comprehensive understanding of complex social issues."


Statement of the Problem

The Statement of the Problem identifies the specific issue or gap in knowledge that your research will address. It serves as the rationale for why your research is necessary.

Key Contents:

1. Description of the Problem: Clearly define the core issue, gap, or problem that your study is aiming to address. This should be framed in a way that is understandable for readers unfamiliar with your specific topic.

2. Evidence of the Problem: Provide evidence that the problem exists. This could include statistics, studies, expert opinions, or observable trends.

3. Impact of the Problem: Explain the significance of the problem. Why does this issue matter? Who does it affect, and in what ways? Highlight the negative outcomes or challenges resulting from the problem.

4. Unanswered Questions: Emphasize what is currently unknown or unaddressed about the problem. Point out where existing research or practice falls short, leading to the need for your study.

5. Consequences of Not Addressing It: Briefly describe the consequences or implications if the problem continues to be ignored.

💪 Complete in five paragraph including five contents stated above

How to Write It: zionresearch

Be direct and specific.

Avoid vague or overly broad statements. Focus on narrowing down the problem to make it researchable.

Use data or literature to back up your claims.

End the problem statement by highlighting the gap your research aims to fill.


How to write Background of the Study

The Background of the Study provides context for your research and sets the stage for why your research topic is important. Here's what it typically contains:

1. Introduction to the Topic: Start by giving a broad introduction to the area of research, describing the key concepts, and framing the subject in its wider context.


2. Contextual Information: Provide relevant historical, social, or scientific information to help the reader understand the environment and framework of the study. This might include existing research, trends, or key developments.

3. Current Situation: Outline the current state of research or practice in the area, highlighting what is already known and what remains unclear or unaddressed.

4. Relevance and Importance: Discuss why the research is important, both in theory and in practice. Emphasize how your study fits into this larger context and its potential impact.

How to Write It: @zionresearch

Keep it concise but comprehensive.

Focus on providing enough context to lead the reader naturally to the problem statement.

Avoid being too general; provide specific data, examples, or research to support your claims.

#share #join

📚 Understanding the Structure of a Research Proposal 📚

A well-structured research proposal is essential for communicating your research plan effectively. Here's a breakdown of the key components:

1. Title: Concise and clear, reflecting the main focus of your research.

2. Introduction: Provides background information, outlines the research problem, and highlights its significance.

3. Literature Review: critically analyzes existing research related to your topic. providing both theoroticsl and emperical review. This helps identify gaps in knowledge and justifies the need for your study.

4. Research Objectives: Clearly state your aims. These should be specific, measurable, and achievable within the scope of the project.

5. Research Questions/Hypothesis: The core questions your study seeks to answer or the hypothesis you're testing.

6. Methodology: This section details the research design, population, sampling methods, data collection tools, and analysis techniques. Be precise and realistic.

7. Timeline: An estimated schedule for completing each stage of the research process.

8. Budget (if applicable): Outline the projected costs and how funding will be used.

9. References: List all the sources cited in your proposal.

#ResearchProposal #LiteratureReview #AcademicWriting #ResearchStructure


P -value

P value ምንድን ነው? ምን ማለት ነው?

ውድ የቻናላችን ቤተሰብ ዛሬ ስለ P value በቀላል ቋንቋ ለመግለጽ እሞክራለሁ ፣ ሼር በማድረግ Support Us!

🔰P value ቁጥር ወይም Probability ስሆን፣ ይህም በጥናታችን በ variable መካካል ያለው Association በ በአጋጣሚ(chance) የመሆን probability ነው። ወይም የተገኛው Association Null hypothesis true ሆኖ የመምጠት probability ነው።

🔰ለምሳሌ ፣ p value


The link is working now

NGAT results are released!

Those of you who took NGAT can now access your results using the link below by inserting your NGAT "username" found on your ticket

Pass mark፡ 50/100

NGAT የወሰዳችሁ ሁሉ የNGAT ትኬት ላይ ያለውን "username" በማስገባት ከታች ያለውን ሊንክ በመጠቀም ውጤታችሁን ማየት ትችላላችሁ

ማለፊያ ነጥብ፡ 50/100

Link: https://result.ethernet.edu.et/ngat_result


If you need help in your academic task, do let us know. We used to deliver all academic tasks with premium quality of work.

📒Thesis or Dissertation
🧾Research Proposal or Articles
📑Reports and Presentations
📊Data Analysis and Interpretation
📖 Assignments and Case studies

We provide Assistance with
✅ 100% Satisfaction
✅ Unlimited revisions
✅ Quality work
🗞100% Confidential

NOTE: We need data in excel or in CVS or in SPSS format to do data analysis.
0988702494 WhatsApp

ኢትዮጵያን ሊለውጥ ይችላል ብለው የሚያምኑበትን ሃሰብ ለመቀበል ቅድመ ሁኔታ አያስቀምጡም፡፡ መምህርነት እና ፖለቲከኛነት አልተጋጨባቸውም፡፡ ትምህርት ቤት ሲሆኑ ምርጥ አስተማሪ እና ተመራማሪ፣ በፖለቲካው መድረክም የሃሳብ ተሟጋች ናቸው፡፡ ፖለቲካንም ሆነ አስተማሪነት ሳይቀላቅሉ በየራሳቸው መድረክ አሳምረው ይወጡአቸዋል፡፡ 

ከሦስት አሥርተ ዓመታት በተሻገረው የአደባባይ የፖለቲካ እንቅስቃሴያቸው ብዙ ችግሮችን በግጭት እና በጠመንጃ አፈሙዝ መፍታት መሞከር ልማድ በሆነባት ኢትዮጵያ ሁሉንም አሸናፊ የሚያደረገው በጠመንጃ መሸናነፍ ሳይሆን የሃሳብ ሜዳ የተሻለ መሆኑን በተግባር አስመስክረዋል፡፡

በኢትዮጵያ ለበርካታ ዓመታት ሰለማዊ የፖለቲካ እንቅስቃሴ በማድረግ የሚታወቁት ፕሮፌሰር በየነ ጴጥሮስ፤ በአዲስ አበባ ዩኒቨርስቲም በመምህርነት እንዲሁም በትምህርት ሚኒስትር ዴዔታነት ሀገራቸውን አገልግለዋል፡፡

ፕሮፌሰር በየነ ጴጥሮስ ጳጉሜን 4 ቀን 2012 ዓ.ም የፖሊሲ ጥናት ኢንስቲትዩት ዋና ሥራ አስኪያጅ ሆነው በጠቅላይ ሚኒስትሩ ተሹመው ሲያገለግሉ መቆየታቸው የሚታወስ ሲሆን በዛሬው ዕለት ባደረባቸው ህመም ምክንያት በሕክምና ሲረዱ ቆይተው ከዚህ ዓለም በሞት ተለይተዋል፡፡

Addis Ababa University announcements


አዲስ አበባ ዩኒቨርስቲ ለ2017 ዓ.ም 2ኛ ዙር የድኅረ ምረቃ ፕሮግራሞች የመግቢያ ፈተና (GAT) እና ለድኅረ ምረቃ ትምህርት የማመልከቻ ጊዜን አራዝሟል፡፡

በዚህም የማመልከቻ ግዜው እስከ መስከረም 8/2017 ዓ.ም መራዘሙን ዩኒቨርሲቲው አሳውቋል፡፡

የድኅረ ምረቃ መግቢያ ፈተና እና የመግቢያ ፈተና ያለፉ ለትምህርት የማመልከቻ ግዜ ወደፊት እንደሚገለፅ ተቋሙ አስገንዝቧል፡፡

ለመግቢያ ፈተና ለማመልከት 👇


Free 🥼🥼

ዶክተር ሎምባሞ መካከለኛ ክሊኒክ አዲሱን ዓመት ምክንያት በማድረግ ከዻጉሜ 1-5 የሚቆይ ነፃ የጤና ምርመራ እና የማማከር አገልግሎት በመስጠት ላይ ይገኛል ።

እርሶም በስራ ሰዓት በክሊኒካችን በመገኘት የእድሉ ተጠቃሚ እንዲሆኑ በአክብሮት ጋብዘኖታል።

ዶክተር ሎምባሞ መካከለኛ ክሊኒክ

አድራሻ - ሆሳዕና - ጎምቦራ ከታክሲ ማዞርያ ወደ ጎፈር ሜዳ በሚወስደው መንገድ 50ሜትር ገባ ብሎ ያገኙናል ።
ስልክ ፦ 0911512338
Email ፦ babeshoy@gmail.com telegram ፦https://t.me/DRLOMBAMOCLINIC

አላማችን በደጋግ እጆች ህይወትን ማዳን ነው !!!!

Types of data analysis

GAT update
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GAT exam schedule by department

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