⭕️ بهتازگی منتشر شده است:
- "Introduction: Conducting Ethnographic Fieldwork in the Global South",
By Fatemeh Sadeghi and Sertaç Sehlikoglu
- "An audio note on Commitment",
By Mezna Qato
- "The Ethics of Researching the Far-Right in the Global South",
By Sumrin Kalia
- "Street Books in Tehran: Collective Mentality and Decolonizing Research Engagement",
By Fatemeh Sadeghi
- "The Transformative Potential of Intimacy: Turkish Coffee Talk and Ethnographic Listening",
By Hazal Aydin
- "Ethics without the Ethics: The Institutionalized Committees and the Question of Integrity",
By Sertaç Sehlikoglu
🆔 @mmaljoo
- "Introduction: Conducting Ethnographic Fieldwork in the Global South",
By Fatemeh Sadeghi and Sertaç Sehlikoglu
- "An audio note on Commitment",
By Mezna Qato
- "The Ethics of Researching the Far-Right in the Global South",
By Sumrin Kalia
- "Street Books in Tehran: Collective Mentality and Decolonizing Research Engagement",
By Fatemeh Sadeghi
- "The Transformative Potential of Intimacy: Turkish Coffee Talk and Ethnographic Listening",
By Hazal Aydin
- "Ethics without the Ethics: The Institutionalized Committees and the Question of Integrity",
By Sertaç Sehlikoglu
🆔 @mmaljoo