🚨این شخص با عکس پروفایل من پیام میده و درخواست پول و ترون میکنه دقت کنید من هیچ وقت درخواست پول از شما نمیکنم و این شخص کلاهبرداره حتما قبل از هر چیزی دقت کنید تنها ایدی @navidshokriyan رسمی هست و بقیه فیک هستند.🚨
🚨This person is sending messages with my Profile and asking for money and tron. Be careful. I will never ask you for money and this person is a scammer. Be sure to check before anything else. Only @navidshokriyan is official and the rest are fake.🚨
🚨This person is sending messages with my Profile and asking for money and tron. Be careful. I will never ask you for money and this person is a scammer. Be sure to check before anything else. Only @navidshokriyan is official and the rest are fake.🚨