• It doesn't matter what the issue is;whether you like it or not, we will "DEFEND everything about king EXO!"☻💕 °LAY: I don't need SM to shine🤙🏿 OT9+3♡
• It doesn't matter what the issue is;whether you like it or not, we will "DEFEND everything about king EXO!"☻💕 °LAY: I don't need SM to shine🤙🏿 OT9+3♡ Talk: t.me/def_backup
13.06.2023 11:28
• It doesn't matter what the issue is;whether you like it or not, we will "DEFEND everything about king EXO!"☻💕 °LAY: I don't need SM to shine🤙🏿 OT9+3♡ Talk: t.me/def_backup
31.01.2023 12:30
• It doesn't matter what the issue is;whether you like it or not, we will "DEFEND everything about king EXO!"☻💕 °LAY: I don't need SM to shine🤙🏻 OT9+3♡ Talk: t.me/def_backup
17.01.2023 10:27
• It doesn't matter what the issue is;whether you like it or not, we will "DEFEND everything about king EXO!"☻💕 °LAY: I don't need SM to shine🤙🏻 OT9+3♡ Talk: https://t.me/df_talk
16.01.2023 23:31
• It doesn't matter what the issue is;whether you like it or not, we will "DEFEND everything about king EXO!"☻💕 °LAY: I don't need SM to shine🤙🏻 OT9+3♡ Talk: https://t.me/savedefend
14.01.2023 04:26
• It doesn't matter what the issue is;whether you like it or not, we will "DEFEND everything about king EXO!"☻💕 °LAY: I don't need SM to shine🤙🏻 OT9+3♡ Talk: t.me/exodefendtalk
14.01.2023 03:23
• It doesn't matter what the issue is;whether you like it or not, we will "DEFEND everything about EXO!"☻💕 -OT9+3-