💢#Profit /ˈprɒfət, ˈprɒfɪt $ ˈprɑː-/ BrE AmE #noun
الفائدة ; ثمرة ; كسب ; ربح ; مكسب ; نفع ; فائدة ; عائدة ; الفرق بين سعر الشراء و سعر البيع
📚#Common_collocations with “profit”
🔴a big/huge profit
✨Drug companies make huge profits.
🔴a quick profit (=happening quickly)
✨They were only interested in a quick profit.
🔴a good profit
✨There is a good profit to be made in selling cars.
🔴a substantial profit
✨The agent then sells the land for a substantial profit to someone else.
🔴a healthy/handsome/tidy profit (=big)
✨By the second year, the restaurant began to make a healthy profit.
🔴a small/modest profit
✨The business managed to produce a small profit last year.
🔴net profit (=after tax and costs are paid)
✨The company made a net profit of $10.5 million.
🔴gross profit (also pre-tax profit) (=before tax and costs are paid)
✨The hotel group made a gross profit of £51.9 million in 2008.
🔴trading/operating profit (=profit relating to a company’s normal activities)
✨Both turnover and operating profits were lower.
الفائدة ; ثمرة ; كسب ; ربح ; مكسب ; نفع ; فائدة ; عائدة ; الفرق بين سعر الشراء و سعر البيع
📚#Common_collocations with “profit”
🔴a big/huge profit
✨Drug companies make huge profits.
🔴a quick profit (=happening quickly)
✨They were only interested in a quick profit.
🔴a good profit
✨There is a good profit to be made in selling cars.
🔴a substantial profit
✨The agent then sells the land for a substantial profit to someone else.
🔴a healthy/handsome/tidy profit (=big)
✨By the second year, the restaurant began to make a healthy profit.
🔴a small/modest profit
✨The business managed to produce a small profit last year.
🔴net profit (=after tax and costs are paid)
✨The company made a net profit of $10.5 million.
🔴gross profit (also pre-tax profit) (=before tax and costs are paid)
✨The hotel group made a gross profit of £51.9 million in 2008.
🔴trading/operating profit (=profit relating to a company’s normal activities)
✨Both turnover and operating profits were lower.