Car Radio

Гео и язык канала: Иран, Фарси
Категория: не указана

Man, what the fuck is happening.

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Гео и язык канала
Иран, Фарси
не указана
Фильтр публикаций

So much is happening and I feel like no matter how fast I’d run, I would never get a hold of things.

Репост из: things spam;
protagonizing taylor swift versus these people will only make her stronger. i for one am a fan again. we got you tay tay 🤍

Trigger warning ⚠️

اینم عکساشه

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عکسها حاوی صحنه های حساس هستن⚠️
سلام رویلت یه گربه پیدا کردم سگ دستشو گاز گرفته و بردم کلینیک و دستشو مجبور شدن جدا کنن😭😭
خواهش میکنم حتی در حد ۱۰ هزار تومن هم که شده بهم کمک کنید من واقعاجیبم خالی شد
۳/۵ خرجش شد که من یک و نیم دادم
هر کی خواست کمک کنه دایرکت بده یا منشن بزاره

Walking right behind Sahand Kabiri be so crazy

This is crazy though, the fact that her Charli xcx song -being a brat song- still does not top Ribs is insane.

There aint no love
Like i love

Is listening to Taylor Swift not a very bisexual mood but a very lesbian thing?

Ngl, everything looks extra good on me just because I have shaved hair-


I’m being sarcastic-

Girl exactly what ive been feeling for the past week since my semester is over,Lingering headaches since then.

Just submitted my final paper; existential crisis is lurking, I feel empty.

I hate it when I step out of a screening room, when I step out of a cinema, when I am thrown back into reality and away from my little bubbly fake fantasies.

Guys dont let rojano see this but come to the netherlands in april

Folks, we’re on a zoning out stage of researching for final paper.

Somehow instagram has noticed that I have a boyfriend and it’s showing me posts like “him: adorable”. My instagram is no longer gay, i need to protest against my algorithm and capitalistic surveillance.

Wanted to gate-keep this but well-

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