重要声明 Important statement
我们在 2024 年的某个时候失去了对 Google Play 账户的控制,Google Play 版本的 NekoBox 已经失控。这是一个由前合作伙伴推送的非开源版本,请不要下载。
We lost control of the Google Play account sometime in 2024, and the Google Play version of NekoBox has gone out of control. It is a non-open source version pushed by a former partner, please do not download it.
经过逆向审查,Google Play 版本的 NekoBox 暂时没有发现除广告外的恶意行为,但这个版本并不安全,请不要下载。
Based on a reverse engineering review, the Google Play version of NekoBox has not been found to have any malicious behavior beyond serving ads. However, this version is not considered secure and should NOT be downloaded.
我们在 2024 年的某个时候失去了对 Google Play 账户的控制,Google Play 版本的 NekoBox 已经失控。这是一个由前合作伙伴推送的非开源版本,请不要下载。
We lost control of the Google Play account sometime in 2024, and the Google Play version of NekoBox has gone out of control. It is a non-open source version pushed by a former partner, please do not download it.
经过逆向审查,Google Play 版本的 NekoBox 暂时没有发现除广告外的恶意行为,但这个版本并不安全,请不要下载。
Based on a reverse engineering review, the Google Play version of NekoBox has not been found to have any malicious behavior beyond serving ads. However, this version is not considered secure and should NOT be downloaded.