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How to Choose Your First AI/ML Project: A Beginner’s Guide - GoPractice

Discover how product managers can start their AI/ML journey with low-risk, manageable projects. Learn key strategies to build foundational skills and scale AI initiatives effectively.


Google Product Management Interview — 1

3 Questions with Detailed Answers


The Magic of Serendipity: When Chance Creates Value

Introduction: When Randomness Becomes a Plan


Future of Jobs Report 2025

290 pages


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Foundations of UX Design for Product Managers and Non-Designers

The UX design process for product managers and engineers, aiming to foster understanding and stronger collaboration across disciplines


2025 Predictions

Predictions are a terrible business. If you get it right, the events leading up to the prediction render it less bold. If you get it wrong…


AI Product Management 2 Years In - Silicon Valley Product Group

Marty Cagan discusses the impact of generative AI on the role of product management two years after its invention.


👟 Lightweight AI Consumer Utility Apps

90 second post


کتاب نجات محصول از تله تولید

انتشارات آریانا قلم ترجمه کتاب Escaping the Build Trap را منتشر کرد
اگر در ابتدای راه مدیریت محصول هستید این کتاب توصیه میشه

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A case study: Launching a product process in a project-based company

A case study sharing strategies for designing effective product change processes to enhance user value and penetrate target market segments.


Shiny Object Syndrome: How to Defend Against It | ProdPad

Shiny object syndrome can lead Product Teams to drop everything for a new, unvalidated idea. Here's how to protect yourself from that.


How Your Mindset Determines Your Course

Why your thoughts matter, and the impact they have on outcomes


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✳️ هوش مصنوعی + رزومه‌ساز «ای-استخدام»

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❓نمی‌دانید چگونه سوابق شغلی خود را تشریح کنید؟
هوش مصنوعی آماده است سوابق شغلی شما را با کلماتی جذاب و بیانی شیوا بنویسد تا کارشناسان بررسی کننده را مجذوب کند!

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همه گزارش ها: https://mjdz.ir/s/reports

#report@productinbox #r1403@productinbox

Why strategic visibility matters

Are you focused on the right things, or just staying busy? Strategic visibility helps uncover whether your efforts truly align with your product’s purpose. What would change if you could clearly see the bigger picture?


TBM 326: Adhocracies and Bureaucracies

Rapid-growth tech companies often operate as adhocracies—they do whatever it takes to grow, move quickly, etc. The 0-1 stage is characterized by a lot of startup-wide bridging and fluidity. After the 0-1 stage, there's a tendency to favor team independence, clear spheres of ownership, and fewer global/mandated processes and rules.


How to use AI for Prototyping as a PM

And Why You Should Learn How to Prototype with AI


How much are product managers getting paid in 2024?

2024 has been a pretty bumpy year for product managers looking for a job. We’ve seen a few rounds of layoffs and hiring freezes, and fewer vacancies as companies try to do more with less or failing to secure the funding they need to grow. We’re seeing lots more product people - at all levels - looking for jobs. 


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