Serious And SeriousN't☺️

Гео и язык канала: Эфиопия, Амхарский
Категория: не указана

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♥️ @SeriousNot ♥️

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Гео и язык канала
Эфиопия, Амхарский
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Anyone interested in making a short film related to girls and women issues in Ethiopia. It’s a film competition and the film that wins will get a chance for a film festival in Sweden. Contact me directly if you are interested!

I lost interest in food, lost interest in socializing, lost interest in getting up from bed, lost interest in dressing, lost interest in work, lost interest in speaking…. All I wanna do is sleep all night and sleep all day, not go outside, not talk to people, not pretend to laugh, cry my heart out without having to hold a tear to pretend to be okay, bite my fingers, zone-out without being asked what I’m thinking, stay silent without being told to talk. The only thing motivating me now is that I have to work to earn money… money that can’t even cover a therapy cost, money that can’t take me to a trip to clean my head…. I just want to eat ice-cream and use my phone the whole day….. I used to wonder why people would record themselves when they are crying but now I know why, it’s just so scary how moods suddenly change, I be laughing then ten seconds later I’m crying… anytime! It is so hard. But we got this…. It will be easy again…. Hope it is just seasonal…

But check on your “happy” friends who don’t know how to express their emotions, ask them how their mental health is!


You might think you don't matter in this world, but because of you, someone now likes themselves a little bit more because you made a passing comment that made them feel good. Someone has read a book you recommended and they got lost in the pages. Someone has remembered a joke you told them that made them smile to themselves on the bus. Someone has tried on an outfit and felt beautiful because you complimented them on it. Never think you don't have an impact, your fingerprints can't be wiped away from the little marks of kindness you've left on the world.

🖤you matter!!

Elshaday Tilahun

Mental breakdown 😖ጠዋት ተነስቶ ጥርስ ለመቦረሽ ፣ ሻወር ለመውሰድ ሳይቀር አቅም እንደሚያሳጣ ለማወቅ ራሳችን ላይ እስኪደርስ አንጠብቅ። ሲደውሉልን መልሼ እደውላለሁ ብለን ያልመለስንላቸው ሰዎች በሰዓቱ ምን አይነት ሁኔታ ላይ እንዳሉ አናውቅም (they might be struggling with depression ,insomnia, they are looking for someone to talk after a few hours ልንደርስላቸው ሳንችል ቀርተን if they commit suicide አልተረዳሁህም ከማለትና ከፀፀት ውጭ እኛ ጋር የሚቀር ነገር የለም).
እሳት በሌለበት ጭስ የለም 😞ማንም ራስን ማጥፋት ደረጃ የሚደርሰው አቅመ ቢስ ወይም ደካማ ስለሆነ አይደለም ሰሚ ያጣ ጩኸቱን ወደ ውስጡ ጮሆ ፣ ለመነጋገር ተቀጣጥረን ትኩረታችን ከጎን ካለው ሰው ይልቅ ስልካችን ላይ ስለሆነ ከራሱ ጋር ተነጋግሮ የሚወስነው ውሳኔ ነው። (our relation የመዝናናት ፣የፎቶና ፣የመጠጥ ስለሆነ😏) ማንም የለኝም ብሎ እንዲያስብ ምክንያት ስለሆነው እና ውስጡ እየታመመ እኛን ላለመረበሽ Pretend ማድረጉ ከአቅሙ በላይ ሲሆንና ሲያቅተው የሚወስነው ውሳኔ ነው።
ምን ያህል ግዜ ደብሮኛል ፣መኖር አስጠልቶኛል ፣ነገ የሚባል ተስፋ የለኝም ፣ተጨነኩ I really wanna die የሚል ሰውን rather than trying to help እዚም እንደዛው በሚል አቅልለን ያለፍናቸውን እንዴት treat አደረግን ብለን ራሳችንን ብንጠይቅ ብዙ ነፍስ እጃችን ላይ አልፏል። 😢

በdepression የሚሰቃዩትን ለማትረፍ አናርፍድባቸው።

U might be a reason for me to survive & I might be a reason for u to live.

Let’s save each other.

🎗💛SAVE LIVES THAT WE LOSE EVERY MINUTE BY SUICIDE💛🎗 Let’s stand together and help those in need! We are in this together💛


#wspd2022 #WorldSuicidePreventionDay #CreatingHopeThroughAction #WSPD #wspd2022 #bethelight @SeriousNot

Who said DEPRESSION is a CHOICE? Who said depression is OVERRATED? Who said depression is ONLY for RICH people? Do your family a favor, do your friends a favor, do the society a favor and listen to what someone has to say their deepest feelings and about their depression to the fullest without underestimating, comparing, judging, disturbing and to the end. Save someone from losing hope, save someone from feeling lonely , save someone from feeling hopeless, save someone from feeling they overreacted, save someone from taking their life.

Save someone’s LIFE!!!

Depression is NOT a choice and it was NEVER a choice!!!!


What is “Happiness” for you?

ደስታ ላንተ/ቺ ምንድነው?

👇🏼 leave a comment


የለመድነው ; በጉጉት የምንጠብቀው አዲስ አመት እየገሰገሰ ወደ እኛ መጥቷል።

እኔ ይኸው እስከዛሬ ሳስታውስ ሁልጊዜም ለውጥን ፈላጊዎች ነን።

በሚቀጥለው ዓመትስ እንዲህ አደርጋለሁ፤ እንዲያ ማድረጌን አቆማለሁ፤ ይሄንን አሻሽላለሁ፤ እንደዚህ ማድረጌን እቀጥላለሁ። እናሳ? ምንማለት እንቀጥላለን መሰላችሁ.... እንዲህ ማድረጉን ስጀምር እገሌ ባልመቸውስ፣ ባልስማማውስ፣ ባይወደኝስ፤ እገሌ እንደሆነ እሱን ስመስልለት ነው ደስ የሚለው...... ግና የራሱ ጉዳይ፡ እሱ በእኔ ህይወት አይወስን.... ስናሰላስል፣ ስናወጣ ፣ ስናወርድ.... ምን የሚል ውሳኔ ላይ እንደርሳለን፦ እገሌንስ ከማጣው፤ እገሌ ጋር ከምቆራረጥ፤ እኩዮቼ ፋራ ከሚሉኝ፤ሕዝቡ ወግአጥባቂ ከሚለኝ ፥ ማሕበረሰቡ እንደለመደኝ እቀጥላለሁ፡ እስከዛሬ እንደው አልተጎዳሁ.....

እንደ እኔ እንደ እኔ ግን ወንድሜ ፡ እህቴ.... ለውጥ ለራስ ነው።
እገሌ የምለው ላጣው የሰጋሁት
በሱ ምከንያት ለውጥን የሸሸሁት
የራሴን ውሳኔ አሳልፌ የሰጠሁት

ከነ ለውጤ ካልተቀበለኝ

ከኔ ብቻ እንጂ ያለው ወዳጅነት
ከሱ አይኖርም አንዳች ፍላጎት።

እንግዲህ ምርጫው የየራሳችን ነው ባይ ነኝ።

መልካም አዲስ መንፈስ
፨ሀናዲ ዩሱፍ

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You Want To Know Who Is The Winner? YOU!!

You Know Who To Win For? For YOU!!

The Rest Are Just Numbers, You Gotta Make Yourself Proud!💛

Hanu Yusuf


If you, yourself do things to please others before you, who else are you expecting to please you?! Start living this life from giving joy to yourself!!!

Hanu Yusuf

“The psychological Impact Of Social Media” ~ Hanadi Yusuf.

Dear members, how are you all doing? I lose many subscribers whenever I post one post. So, Please help me get more subscribers using this link.

Peace of your mind

Are you usually told you cry too much? Are you usually told you over react? Are you usually the one who feel sad knowing no one is going to understand or is understaing you?

Yes, I have been there. I always notice everything, I have always expected the good from people around me, I always wanted people's A.K.A. friends' attention, I have always expected people to treat me the way I treat them. I was always the one who doesn't tell how I felt because no one cared anymore, because I've always "overreacted" over little things, and that actually made me the most over thinking person I've ever known. And it really made me think that no one loves me and that I'm not an important person to anybody. This is when and where everything went wrong in my life, head, emotion and social life. These moment was the worst part of memory.

But everything changed...

I thought about it suddenly, I started letting myself understand how important I am and understand my worth.

You are the one who attract the respect and approval you want, you who get people to understand your worth. Not by seeking attention the wrong way.

You came to this world for a purpose, then why waste time seeking approval from the wrong people? Who are you spending sleepless nights for? Who are they to steal your peace of mind? Start living for yourself. Care about people who care aboit you, love the people who love you, just know how to treat people the way they treat you, if they respect you respect them if they don't well then... ራስህን/ሽን አስከብር/ሪ.

When I'm saying all this it doesn't mean everyone is going to accept you and your change. No, don't ever expect them to support you all the way, but YOU support yourself. Don't let negative comments hold you back. Because people always have something to say about your look, outfit, laugh, choice and everything. So fight your mind that processes the negative comments of the negative people around you.

To get loved, love yourself first. To get respect, give yourself the respect you deserve. Treat yourself right. Don't lose yourself trying to please others. You play the role!

You are acountable for how people treat you. You are accountable for your Peace of Mind!

You come first, respect yourself!

Hanadi Yusuf


Wrote this a while ago, take time and read it, please.

When women and some men say “Men and women are equal” it’s not meant literally! There are many differences, but these differences are biological. We both have our biological capabilities, women can give birth men can't, women see menstruation, men don't. Though it doesn't mean things can't change because we are in a generation where anyone can be or do anything they like, including shifting sex\gender. In my opinion, men and women are not equal I mean they are not even identical. You can't compare a fisherman and bartender who is happier., but you can compare Champion runners “who runs faster, Haile or Kenenisa?” because what they are in is still the same.

But when we say “women are equal to men” we mean let's get equal opportunity to what men have. We mean let's graduate without being asked to sell our bodies for grades, we mean let's do our jobs without getting harrassed by our bosses or guard. We mean let's walk, eat, dress however we want without getting verbally or physically harassed by the teen, adult, aged, rich, poor, single, father, married men on the road. We mean let's not get asked to wear shorts to work in butcher shops or bars without our interest. We mean let's not owe any men an explanation about not having the interest to exchange numbers, to have conversations, to date, let's have a right to say “No!” without getting abused. We mean let's not be the only ones to blame when having an abortion. We mean let's not give our husbands, fathers, and brothers chances to hit us whenever they feel like they are the “men” in the house.

We mean let our voices be listened to. Let us be provided the opportunities without any difficulties and change the world into a better place.

Hanadi Y.


16th Day!
Please Read to the End!

She struggles

She was born a girl then hated by her father who wanted a son, a father who believes that girls are just burdens and boys grow up to be heroes as their fathers. Then she grows up a little bit and her parents and neighbors decided to cut her genital area so that she won’t have fun or to “calm down”, then she goes through physical pain that ain’t bearable but she takes it anyway. Then she grows a little when she gets sold or promised for that rich uncle who married and divorced three times and has children her age. Then she grows a little then she starts to see her period, she gets bullied for it, she gets blamed for it, she stops going to school because she doesn’t know what sanitary pads are So if she goes to school the blood will show up on her cloth then her classmates will see her in disgust. Then she grows breasts, she starts to get embarrassed then she would stop walking or sitting straight for her back to hide it from others not to notice. Then she grows a little, now she is told to handle household care, then she either doesn’t often go to school or she quits class. If she didn’t quit class, as soon as she gets home she starts cooking dinner, feeding the family, washing her father’s legs, washing the dishes, feeds the cattle while her brothers are studying and doing her homework, then she gets low grades on her classes but no worries there is affirmative action so she passes anyways then she is bullied for not working it out without the affirmative action because she is not good at education. She comes from school walking miles because the school is far away from her home, she meets a bunch of men on her way home, she gets assaulted then she gets raped on that age and with a vagina that has stitches on, she cries she goes home then tells her mother just to be told to shut her mouth and not embarrass the family, she gets blamed for what the monsters did to her, she is asked what was she wearing, and she is told that if it wasn’t for how she acts no one would’ve touched her, she is told that it’s her fault at that young age so she lives her life blaming herself instead of the monsters who played her. Then she grows a little, she gets married to that old, rich uncle, then she gets raped by the husband because she doesn’t have any feelings towards that old man and his motions, and that’s because of what she went through, the genital mutilation, the stitch, her age, the gap between her age and the man she is married too, and of course the rape. Yes, she is expected to have a baby at the age of 12-15, she must now go through all the pain again let alone the pain during the process of delivering. Then she is blamed for having a baby girl as if it was her choice, after she gives birth her husband stops giving her that tiny attention he used to give her, then cheats on her but she doesn’t have the right to ask him who he has done that neither ask for a divorce because yeah at the end she is just a girl and he is the man. She grows and her daughter grows and she is told to cut her daughter’s genitals too, then she is blamed and treated like a curse for not agreeing with them and she wouldn’t let her beloved daughter go through the same pain she went through. Her daughter grows a little then the mother starts to take full responsibility for her family, her house, she wakes up early, cooks, feeds the husband then the kids, cleans, washes, makes lunch for her husband, takes the lunch to him, goes miles away to get water, she cooks again, she washes her husband’s legs, she washes the dishes, takes the kids to bed, then sleeps after making sure that everyone is asleep, then what is told? “You have nothing to do at home, how are you tired? All you do is just stay at home and do nothing”.

Yeah, this is a woman’s life.
She struggles a lot!


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