“ ما توضیحی بہ ڪسی بدهڪار نیستیم!
بڪَـذار بڪَـویند غیر منطقی هستیم یا ضد اجتماعی هستیم، اما بہ این می ارزد ڪ خودمان باشیم. تا زمانی ڪ رفتار ما و تصمیم های ما بہ ڪسی آسیبی نمیزند ما هیچ توضیحی بہ ڪسی بدهڪار نیستیم.
چقدر زندڪَـی ها ڪ با این توضیح خواستن ها و تلاشهای بیهوده برای قانع ڪردن دیڪَـران بر باد رفتہ اند. “
📚 : هنر بودن
🖋️«اریڪ فروم»
“If other people do not understand our behavior—so what? Their request that we must only do what they understand is an attempt to dictate to us. If this is being "asocial" or "irrational" in their eyes, so be it. Mostly they resent our freedom and our courage to be ourselves. We owe nobody an explanation or an accounting, as long as our acts do not hurt or infringe on them. How many lives have been ruined by this need to "explain," which usually implies that the explanation be "understood," i.e. approved. Let your deeds be judged, and from your deeds, your real intentions, but know that a free person owes an explanation only to himself—to his reason and his conscience—and to the few who may have a justified claim for explanation.”
📚 :The Art of Being
✒️«Erich Fromm»
بڪَـذار بڪَـویند غیر منطقی هستیم یا ضد اجتماعی هستیم، اما بہ این می ارزد ڪ خودمان باشیم. تا زمانی ڪ رفتار ما و تصمیم های ما بہ ڪسی آسیبی نمیزند ما هیچ توضیحی بہ ڪسی بدهڪار نیستیم.
چقدر زندڪَـی ها ڪ با این توضیح خواستن ها و تلاشهای بیهوده برای قانع ڪردن دیڪَـران بر باد رفتہ اند. “
📚 : هنر بودن
🖋️«اریڪ فروم»
⚫️فیلسوف برجستہ مڪتب
اومانیستیِ آمریڪایی-آلمانی تبار، جامعہ شناس، روان شناس اجتماعی. او در آثارش ڪوشید تا ارتباط متقابل روانشناسی و جامعہ را شرح دهد و معتقد بود ڪ با بڪار بستن اصول روانڪاوی بعنوان علاج مشڪلات و بیماری های فرهنڪَیِ بشر، راهی بہ سوی تحقق یڪ «جامعہ معقول» و متعادل از لحاظ روانی خواهد یافت .
⚫️زاده ۱۹۰۰ - درڪَذشتہ ۱۹۸۰)
“If other people do not understand our behavior—so what? Their request that we must only do what they understand is an attempt to dictate to us. If this is being "asocial" or "irrational" in their eyes, so be it. Mostly they resent our freedom and our courage to be ourselves. We owe nobody an explanation or an accounting, as long as our acts do not hurt or infringe on them. How many lives have been ruined by this need to "explain," which usually implies that the explanation be "understood," i.e. approved. Let your deeds be judged, and from your deeds, your real intentions, but know that a free person owes an explanation only to himself—to his reason and his conscience—and to the few who may have a justified claim for explanation.”
📚 :The Art of Being
✒️«Erich Fromm»
German - American humanistic philosopher, sociologist, social psychologist , psychoanalyst
1900 - 1980