🗣 Are you trying to + (verb)
You are asking someone if they are attempting to do something. This can be something mentally or physically.
☃ Here are some examples:
✦ Are you trying to ignore me?
هـل تحـاول أن تتجاهلني ؟
✦ Are you trying to manage your money?
هـل تحـاول أن تـُدير أموالك؟
✦ Are you trying to memorize that song?
هـل تحـاول حفظ تلك الأغنية؟
✦ Are you trying to offer your help?
هـل تحـاول أن تقدم مساعدتك؟
✦ Are you trying to program your new phone?
هـل تحـاول برمجة هاتفك الجديد؟
✦ Are you trying to pretend like it never happened?
هـل تحـاول التظاهر وكأنه لم يحدث أبدا ؟
✦ Are you trying to remain calm?
هـل تحـاول أن تبقى هادئ ؟
✦ Are you trying to remember her name?
هـل تحـاول أن تذكر اسمها؟
✦ Are you trying to reflect on the past?
هـل تحـاول التفكير في الماضي ؟
✦ Are you trying to switch flights?
هـل تحـاول تبديل الرحلات ؟