هر کصشری که میگیم و میبینید تروله طرف هیچ حزب خاصی نیستیم کسشر قضاوت نکنید This channel does not go against the law And it has no pornographic and rough posts and chats, please pay attention ! No Spam No Pornographi 🕊 No copyright Infringement Intended
16.03.2023 22:28
پاک شدن عکس @BiCat_Bot This channel does not go against the law And it has no pornographic and rough posts and chats, please pay attention ! We do not publish any personal information No Spam No Pornographi 🕊 No copyright Infringement Intended
10.03.2023 16:33
پاک شدن عکس @Brlxton This channel does not go against the law And it has no pornographic and rough posts and chats, please pay attention ! We do not publish any personal information No Spam No Pornographi 🕊 No copyright Infringement Intended
13.02.2023 15:34
☮Hi my bro @durov This channel does not go against the law And it has no pornographic and rough posts and chats, please pay attention ! We do not publish any personal information No Spam No Pornographi No Copyright 🕊 No copyright Infringement Intended
تووی عمق چشمات بشم غرقی که نجات نبینم کانفینگ @yconfigure پلی لیست @iGary سرچ موزیک @yclubmusicbot Hi my bro @durov This channel does not go against the law And it has no pornographic and rough posts and chats, please pay attention !
21.01.2023 16:29
تووی عمق چشمات بشم غرقی که نجات نبینم پلی لیست @iGary سرچ موزیک @yclubmusicbot Hi my bro @durov This channel does not go against the law And it has no pornographic and rough posts and chats, please pay attention !