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Add this code to your Editor folder and it will save your scene everytime you press play!
حداقل اگه برق رفت مشکلی پیش نیاد

using UnityEngine;
using UnityEditor;
using UnityEditor.SceneManagement;

public class AutoSaveOnRunMenuItem
public const string MenuName = "Tools/Autosave On Run";
private static bool isToggled;

static AutoSaveOnRunMenuItem()
EditorApplication.delayCall += () =>
isToggled = EditorPrefs.GetBool(MenuName, false);
UnityEditor.Menu.SetChecked(MenuName, isToggled);

private static void ToggleMode()
isToggled = !isToggled;
UnityEditor.Menu.SetChecked(MenuName, isToggled);
EditorPrefs.SetBool(MenuName, isToggled);

private static void SetMode()
EditorApplication.playModeStateChanged += AutoSaveOnRun;
EditorApplication.playModeStateChanged -= AutoSaveOnRun;

private static void AutoSaveOnRun(PlayModeStateChange state)
if (EditorApplication.isPlayingOrWillChangePlaymode && !EditorApplication.isPlaying)
Debug.Log("Auto-Saving before entering Play mode");


#نکته #یونیتی

👉 @UnityEngine3D 👈

626 0 15 1 17

با این پروژه میتونید کد یونیتی رو برای PS2 خروجی بگیرید


خواستید یه نگاه بهش بندازید


- 3D Models
- Camera
- Lights
- Tesselation: Big triangles on the PS2 get easily culled, so we can tesselate to make them smaller.
- Lightmaps: We extract the lightmaps, and convert from HDR to SDR with a specific exposure.
- Code Conversion: C# to C++ code conversion (very rudimentary, but does work). Requires manually building the output code inside the ps2engine project.
- DirectX Windows version: Debug on Windows, the C++ version of the engine is cross-platform, and just loads different renderers based on the platform.

755 0 20 32 4

کسی بازی ماشینی انتشار داده ، اگه دادید چقدر درآمد دارید ماهیانه؟ (اگه کامنت کنید و لینک بدید خیلی بهتره)
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  •   بالای 300 تومن
  •   انتشار ندادم - انتشار دادم ولی نمی‌خوام بگم - دیدن نتایج
206 votes

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Quickly Organize your Hierarchy!

Use Ctrl+Shift+G to group selected GameObjects under a new Parent Object

🔗 Sunny Valley Studio

#نکته #یونیتی

👉 @UnityEngine3D 👈

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To inspect your map more easily in the Scene View use Shift+~ to toggle off all tool overlays

🔗 Sunny Valley Studio

#نکته #یونیتی

👉 @UnityEngine3D 👈

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Make your Character stand out in Dark Scenes with Lighting and Rendering Layers in Unity!

🔗 Sunny Valley Studio

#نکته #یونیتی

👉 @UnityEngine3D 👈

Here are some different approaches to check a collection for its length.

Some examples might better fit your coding style than others. Always use the ones that fit your team and give you the maximum readability.

🔗 Binary Impact

#نکته #یونیتی

👉 @UnityEngine3D 👈

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Ragdolls are perfect for dynamic Death Effects or impactful reactions for your characters

🔗 Sunny Valley Studio

#نکته #یونیتی

👉 @UnityEngine3D 👈

need of Icons for your project?

You can download many Icons in a single Font: https://github.com/google/material-design-icons/tree/master/variablefont

Then use it with TMP!

- Create a FontAsset
- Assign the Font to the TextElement
- Add codePoint
- On Google Fonts Site search for icons + codePoints

🔗 Binary Impact

#نکته #یونیتی

👉 @UnityEngine3D 👈

Normalizing a zero vector is mathematically undefined and returning NaN within the Unity.Mathematics lib!

When normalizing i.e. a Unity.​Mathematics float3 use the normalizesafe method to avoid NaN.

It works for Vector3 though!

🔗 Binary Impact

#نکته #یونیتی

👉 @UnityEngine3D 👈

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Here is how to set up One Way collision Platforms in Unity 2D using Platform Effector component

🔗 Sunny Valley Studio

#نکته #یونیتی

👉 @UnityEngine3D 👈

The Transform class implements IEnumerable. With that you could i.e.:

-Iterate through the children of the transform like foreach (Transform child in transform) {...}

-Iterate with direct cast via .OfType like transform.OfType()

🔗 Binary Impact

#نکته #یونیتی

👉 @UnityEngine3D 👈

بهینه‌سازی یونیتی : پروفایل‌گیری از بخش‌ها و قسمت‌های خاص کد

لینک : https://medium.com/@brunolorenz98/optimization-unity-3d-profiling-specific-code-parts-and-sections-0f7a1920d024

#آموزش #یونیتی #بهینه_سازی

👉 @UnityEngine3D 👈

Profiling flowchart for a Unity project

🔗 Dave Hampson (1.0x engineer)

#نکته #یونیتی

👉 @UnityEngine3D 👈

قیمت موبایلتون چقدره؟ ( تقریبی بگید ، می‌خوام ببینم چند درصد افراد گوشی مدل پایین یا بالا یا پرچمدار دارند. برای اینکه ببینیم باید چقدر بازی رو بهینه کنیم چقدر کاربر داریم)
  •   2 تا 5 میلیون تومن
  •   5 تا 7 میلیون تومن
  •   7 تا 10 میلیون تومن
  •   10 تا 15 میلیون تومن
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  •   50 تا 60 میلیون تومن
  •   از 60 میلیون تومن به بالا
  •   سایر ( اپل دارم - گوشی دکمه ای دارم - گوشی ندارم - گوشیم کمتر از 2 میلیون تومنه)
311 votes

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The "F" key can be used to focus on an object in scene view, but did you know you can also focus on an asset in project view when you misclicked other folders?

🔗 Kronnect

#نکته #یونیتی

👉 @UnityEngine3D 👈

You have heard about the formatting options of strings, but did you know these work for structs like Vector3?

Use them in your interpolated strings to get a nicer output! In our example the F2 formats the float components to two digits.

🔗 Binary Impact

#نکته #یونیتی

👉 @UnityEngine3D 👈

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To detect which Body Part was Hit, add colliders to your character's bones

This will make them move together with the animation

🔗 Sunny Valley Studio

#نکته #یونیتی

👉 @UnityEngine3D 👈

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Quick Unity interface tip to have better object placement grip and more precision when placing them around the scene! Grid Snapping Tool!

🔗 Kronnect

#نکته #یونیتی

👉 @UnityEngine3D 👈

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Here is how to fix Bullets not hitting objects in Unity

More info at:


🔗 Sunny Valley Studio

#نکته #یونیتی

👉 @UnityEngine3D 👈

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