
Channel's geo and language: Iran, Persian
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"You were my drug and I overdosed."
Channel's Bday: July 20🎈

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اگه من تونستم آرزومو لمس کنم،توام میتونی:)

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آرزو که کم نداشتیم

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Queen (Freddie Mercury) 1981 - Bohemian Rhapsody "Mama"

Somewhere I've been
this time just by myself
what's it they say
you just want to share the moment with someone else

Peel your heart like a pomegranate. Offer it to him, palms outwards. Say “eat.”
Watch him come away stained red by you. You’re in his teeth.
He’ll kiss you with that mouth.

— “Fruit” by Azra. T

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