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How We Fixed an ML Product by Rethinking Data - GoPractice

Learn how a fresh approach to data helped turn around an ML-powered driver distraction system. Discover key lessons to improve real-world AI applications efficiently.

Emerging Patterns in Building GenAI Products

Patterns from our colleagues' work building with Generative AI

A Vision For Product Teams - Silicon Valley Product Group

Marty Cagan discusses the potential impact of generative AI on the roles on a product team and the team topologies of product organizations.

ProductCon: The largest Product Management Conference

The largest Product conference in the world is coming to London!

The End of Programming as We Know It

Lessons from building a product in a new domain within 6 months

Learn how to successfully transition into a new domain and make a meaningful impact within six months with this comprehensive guide.

What are common product diseases? And how can you overcome them?

In this week's conversation on The Product Experience podcast, we speak with Radhika Dutt about various product diseases that can hinder effective management and the need for organizations to adopt a more systematic approach to product development.

لیست اگریگیتورهای هوش مصنوعی ایرانی

لیست زیر، سایت‌ها و سرویس‌هایی هستند که سرویس های هوش مصنوعی رو بدون تحریم و تجمیع شده در اختیار کاربران ایرانی می‌گذارند.
پروداکت اینباکس، از کم و کیف تحریم خصوصی و امنیت لیست زیر اطمینان ندارد.

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معرفی ابزار

هاول هورین که از بلاگرهای معروف حوزه پروداکت هست، سایتی رو به عنوان ایجنت هوش مصنوعی پروداکت منیجمنت معرفی کرده


How to Choose Your First AI/ML Project: A Beginner’s Guide - GoPractice

Discover how product managers can start their AI/ML journey with low-risk, manageable projects. Learn key strategies to build foundational skills and scale AI initiatives effectively.

Google Product Management Interview — 1

3 Questions with Detailed Answers

The Magic of Serendipity: When Chance Creates Value

Introduction: When Randomness Becomes a Plan

Future of Jobs Report 2025

290 pages


🧐 اگر دنبال کار می‌گردی،

👨‍💻 دیگه لازم نیست جابینجا، جاب‌ویژن، لینکدین و سایتای مختلف رو زیر و رو کنی.

همه فرصت‌های شغلی جدید بلافاصله اینجا هم قرار می‌گیرن، فقط کافیه تو یه کانال عضو بشی!

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Foundations of UX Design for Product Managers and Non-Designers

The UX design process for product managers and engineers, aiming to foster understanding and stronger collaboration across disciplines

2025 Predictions

Predictions are a terrible business. If you get it right, the events leading up to the prediction render it less bold. If you get it wrong…

AI Product Management 2 Years In - Silicon Valley Product Group

Marty Cagan discusses the impact of generative AI on the role of product management two years after its invention.

👟 Lightweight AI Consumer Utility Apps

90 second post

کتاب نجات محصول از تله تولید

انتشارات آریانا قلم ترجمه کتاب Escaping the Build Trap را منتشر کرد
اگر در ابتدای راه مدیریت محصول هستید این کتاب توصیه میشه

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20 last posts shown.