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6 in the morning sending me to the fucking graveyard

fuck my stupid baka chungus faggot ass uterus bro

اجازه بدید من این سال رو وقتی تبریک بگم که اخوند دعوت حق رو لبیک بگه.

if you talk to animals on new year’s eve, they will understand you and you them.

kentucky superstitions, 1920

in other stories, it is mentioned that argos dies not of age but of heartbreak, his faithful heart undone by the weight of his master’s deliberate silence.
loyalty met with disregard—devotion answered by averted eyes.

at last, odysseus returns in disguise, a beggar cloaked by athena’s cunning. argos, weakened yet unwavering, recognizes his master at once, ears pricked, tail feebly wagging. odysseus, bound by his secrecy, denies his dog even a glance. albeit, a single tear falls from his eye. with that brief reunion, argos dies—his long vigil over, his purpose fulfilled. a testament to loyalty amid betrayal, argos’s passing lingers as a rare glimpse of odysseus’s unguarded heart.

argos, the steadfast hound of odysseus, waits through twenty long years of war and wandering. once a swift and strong hunting dog, trained by his master’s own hand, argos is left to decay on a dung heap, neglected by suitors who swarm odysseus’s home, believing him dead. as they dishonor the household, argos remains a quiet, forgotten symbol of loyalty—a shadow of the dog he once was.

2 in the morning knee deep in my sentiments i did not need to see the story of argos all over again on my timeline

and the crowd…. lies dead in the war grave of ww2 soldiers??

why is marvel still milking bucky in the big year of 2025 i cannot have this rn

and im still reading the knitpickers even if ive 5*’ed a movie so i can hurl insults at them for being fucking stupid

i love letterboxd because it allows me to set a -2 star filter and only read distaste and animosity like the true hater that i am.

how hollow— the stark contrast of a comely mien and no soul match.

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